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The alternation of emotions would however prove too much for him, he feared, and he was reluctant to open his heart to so unwonted a tenant as joy.

"Didn't you hear a little bell?" demanded the inventor. "A sort of tinklin' noise?" "I thought I did." "It's the box comin' from Jan's," explained he. "Can you kitch a sight of it?" "I see it now." Rising, the old man tugged at the string, urging the reluctant messenger through the tangle of roses. "By his writin' a note, I figger he ain't comin' over," he remarked, as the object drew nearer.

Nobili, his cheeks still tingling, felt that the moment had come when he must seek his partner. It would be difficult to define the contending feelings that made him reluctant to do so. Nera Boccarini had taken no pains to conceal how much she liked him. This was flattering; perhaps he felt it was too flattering.

As she stood there, reluctant to break in on Jules' rest for her sympathetic heart, always at the disposal of the oppressed, had long ached for this overworked peon she was relieved to hear footsteps in the street outside, followed by the opening of the front door. If Jules would have had to wake up anyway, she felt her sense of responsibility lessened.

The bell from an English man-of-war that lay but an arrow's shot off, had sounded the middle watch before Komel left the spot where she had hoped once more to hear those to her enchanting sounds. She arose and walked away with reluctant steps from the place towards the palace, leaving the idiot boy by himself.

To every one but ourselves she is but a child I have taken a fancy to, and Lady Mottisfont coveted her so much, and was very reluctant to let her go . . . I am sure she will adopt her again? she added anxiously. 'I will sound her afresh, said the baronet. 'You leave Dorothy behind for the present? 'Yes; although I go away, I do not give up the house for another month.

You're going on very well a good deal better than you'd any right to expect." He had to inflict not a little pain in his examination and redressing of the wound. He knew that, and once or twice he glanced up at Ste. Marie's face with a sort of reluctant admiration for the man who could bear so much without any sign whatever.

In the meanwhile, Allen was whispering into Betty's almost reluctant little ear. "Did you really mean what you said about its being glorious to give yourself for a great cause?" he asked softly. "Why, I g-guess so," she stammered, taken off her guard. "Why?"

Here comes in the exquisite story of Elaine, to which Tennyson has done ample justice. Soon after the death of the "lily maid of Astolat," Sir Agravaine, moved by jealousy of Arthur's greatest knight, discloses the story of Lancelot's treacherous love for the queen, and extracts from the king a reluctant permission to take the miscreant.

One after another Roberts brought the disreputable mine owners before the courts, and compelled the reluctant Justices of the Peace to condemn them; such dread of this "lightning" "Attorney General" who seemed to be everywhere at once spread among them, that at Belper, for instance, upon Roberts' arrival, a truck firm published the following notice: "NOTICE!" "The Messrs.