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Gladys, reliant on the male and feeling that the male could no longer be relied on, went 'off her game, with apologies; the experience of Miss Horton asserted itself, and the hard-fought set was lost by George and his partner. He reminded the company that he had only come for a short time, and left in a mood of bitter blackness. He thought: "She's blueing money again.

It will do for you what a public school would have done; make you self reliant, and independent." Still, of course, a great portion of his time had been with his father, and they often would ride round the estate together and talk to the tenants, or walk in the gardens and forcing houses.

The heroic conduct of Pulfio and Varenus, who challenge each other to a display of valour, and by each saving the other's life are reconciled to a friendly instead of a hostile rivalry; the intrepidity of the veterans at Lissus, whose self- reliant bravery calls forth one of the finest descriptions in the whole book; and the loyal devotion of all when he announces his critical position, and asks if they will stand by him, are related with glowing pride.

"There is one thing I want to talk to you about. It is rather a delicate matter, Mr. Merrill," he said. "Fire ahead!" "It is about Miss Nuttall. She has seen a lot of our friend Jasper, and after every interview she seems to grow more and more reliant upon his help. Once or twice she has been embarrassed when I have spoken about Jasper Cole and has changed the subject."

The life meant more than occasional separation; it meant that there would be periods when she would not be with him; and there was great danger in that; but she knew that the risks must be taken, and he must not be wholly reliant on her presence for his moral strength.

So long as the trade of Canada was confined to furs the Jesuitical policy of Richelieu was advantageous, but now that the Indians are nearly exterminated two millions of acres under cultivation millions of feet of pine, birch, oak and other timber used or exported annually and manufactures abounding a somewhat more self reliant spirit is requisite than the establishment of Churches under the extraordinary control of a single mitred head will permit.

She could not bring herself to tell the story of what had passed in the panelled room. Had Madame Staubach been in any way different from what she was, had she been at all less stubborn, less hard, less reliant on the efficacy of her religious convictions to carry her over all obstacles, she would have understood something of the sufferings of the poor girl with whom she was dealing.

That she had been worth more than a fortune to Mick O'Dwyer was admitted by all in Kanturk; for it was known to all that Mick O'Dwyer was not himself a good hand at keeping a house straight and snug. "Another cup of tay, Father Bernard," said this lady. "It'll be more to your liking now than the first, you'll find." Father Barney, perfectly reliant on her word, handed in his cup.

But when that pregnant side-word has once been said, the argument settles itself forthwith upon the recorded examples of the potency of faith as "the elders" exercised it. We see man after man enabled to treat the invisible as visible, the promised as present, by reliant rest upon the word of God, however conveyed.

This girl, whom he had thought pretty, fanciful, tenderhearted and gently sympathetic, who had attracted his confession by her quick and feminine receptiveness, now seemed developed into a woman of strength and purpose, full of calm and of dignity. Her shining eyes were more steadfast than of old, her manner was less changeful, less enthusiastic, but more reliant.