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"I will not drink with you," he said, "I will not smoke with you. But some day this reckoning shall come." He turned to the door. De Grost laid his finger upon the bell. "Show Count von Hern out," he directed the astonished servant who appeared a moment or two later. Peter, Baron de Grost, was enjoying what he had confidently looked forward to as an evening's relaxation, pure and simple.

After a short while he said, in a voice still affected by the emotion that his niece's state of health had awakened in him, 'Do you stay here long, Mr. Sampson? 'Why, no. I am going away to-night. 'So soon? But business always holds you in request. Men like Mr. Sampson are too important to others, to be spared to their own need of relaxation and enjoyment.

It may be said of the Hebrews, that they had no profane literature, no works devoted to mere amusement or relaxation. As they admitted no image of any thing in heaven or in earth, they consequently rejected the use of all those arts called imitative, and which supply so large a portion of the more refined enjoyment characteristic of civilized nations.

The delight expressed in her diary upon her removal to Plashet, found vent in efforts to beautify the grounds. The garden-nooks and plantations were filled with wild flowers, gathered by herself and children in seasons of relaxation, and transferred from the coppices, hedgerows and meadows, to the grounds, which appeared to her to be only second in beauty to Earlham. Mrs.

Of the hundreds of individuals who rise into view one after another in the course of these journeys, scarcely two are alike; a result which is, perhaps, due as much to the pen of the writer, as to the inherent diversities of the human character. To this shrewdness of observation, he added a racy humor which those who knew him in his hours of relaxation and familiarity will not easily forget.

Yes! thine alone from pain, from sorrow free, The lengthen'd life with peerless joys replete; Then let me, Lord of Mountains, share with thee The hard, the early toil the relaxation sweet. Walking on the old Navy Yard bridge, Washington, D. C., once with a companion, Mr.

So saying, Winter handed me a stately tumbler, and the mixture was so much to my liking that I felt an involuntary relaxation of my facial muscles immediately I obeyed the command. I stretched myself at length in the easy chair which I had drawn up before the fire, and felt able to forgive even the Motor Pirate.

The Cardinal gave the same answer as he had given about the six, and, in fact, soon took his departure for Capua, where he remained in uninterrupted residence for three years, in the course of which time, as a relaxation from the labours of his office, he wrote his beautiful Commentary on the Psalms.

He had developed the gambling passion or else a mere card mania but at any rate he played heavily, for relaxation, with a lot of dubious hangers on. Meantime Mrs. de Barral, expecting him every day, lived at the Priory, with a carriage and pair, a governess for the child and many servants.

He mounted his horse in confusion and rode away. For a few days he avoided the house. But when he next saw her she had a charming smile of greeting and an air of entire obliviousness of his past blunder. She said she was better. She had taken his advice and was giving herself some relaxation from business. She had been riding again oh, so far!