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Thus, while it is absolutely impossible to predict of any one Frenchman that during next year he will commit a crime, it is quite certain that about one in every six hundred and fifty of the French people will do so, because in past years the proportion has generally been about that amount, the tendencies to crime in relation to the temptations being everywhere invariable over a sufficiently wide range of time.

Thus it tends to make the jaws and teeth unworkable through the overcrowding and decay of the teeth there being, as his illustrations show, no simultaneous or concomitant or proportional variation in relation to altered degree of use or disuse. Mr.

Harboro had not observed that there was not even one woman among the travellers who entered; but Peterson noted the fact, mentioning it in the tone of one who has been deprived of a natural right. And Harboro wondered what was the matter with a man who saw the whole world, always, solely in relation to women. He sensed the fact that Peterson was not entirely comfortable.

It simply consists in the sentence: uniformity under similar conditions. We might also say: a constant relation between two or several phenomena, which can also be expressed in a more abstract way by declaring that the law of nature rests on the combination of two notions, identity and constancy.

The line separating owners from workers also separates riches from poverty. Income from services rendered, from work, is earned income. Income from property ownership, by contrast, is unearned income. The relation between earned and unearned income is not confined to one generation.

"Domestic institutions" are limited to the family. The relation between master and slave and a few others are "domestic institutions," and are entirely distinct from institutions of a political character.

I need not be told that the hen is after all only step-mother to her ducklings, since I am contending that the civilized woman the artificial product of our self-imposed conditions cannot have the same relation to her offspring as the uncivilized woman really has to hers.

Many very competent contemporary Americans might claim that the real difficulty in relation to the social influence of the expert specialist has been sedulously evaded.

I shudder as I realize the fearful danger through which I have just passed. I thank God for so good a wife." The first inquiry made by Jasper, when he met Edward on the next morning, was in relation to what he had seen at the funeral, and, particularly, as to the disposition that had been made of the child. "I took her home with me," was replied, in answer to a direct question. "You did!"

She's so lone in this world, not a friend to stand by her, nor a house to take her in! You are the nearest to her of any one that's left in this world. She hasn't a relation, not one so near as you, oh!" she cried, with a sudden thought, turning quickly round upon me, "this gentleman's your son! Now I think of it, it's not your relation she is, but his, through his mother! That's nearer, nearer!