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Falloden, who was sitting erect and rather sombre, his reins lying loosely on his horse's neck, said slowly "He is probably thinking all sorts of foolish things, which aren't true. I wish they were." Connie's eyes were shining with a suppressed excitement. "He supposes at any rate we have had a good time, and in fact we haven't. Is that what you mean?" "If you like to put it so."

He was only a few paces from the spot, when a gigantic figure, armed with a short broad-axe, and with a Roman helmet on his head, descended from the rock in front of him, and seizing the reins of the horse forced him to halt.

Furthermore temptation was urging him, and more than once he lifted his reins, which became a sign of yielding. But all these emotions finally passed. It was evident that some even stronger force was really governing him. For, with a sharp ejaculation that conveyed every feeling suggested by disappointment, he swung his horse about and galloped off in a southeasterly direction toward Orrville.

He then retired to his palace, and gave up the reins of government, leaving the people to pursue their own course. He said no more, but, in his walls confined, Shut out the woes which he too well divined; Nor with the rising storm would vainly strive, But left the helm, and let the vessel drive.

"What are four thousand for a raid into India?" sneered King, greatly daring. "Wait and see!" growled the mullah; but he seemed depressed. He led the way downward, getting off his horse and giving the reins to a man.

Imitating his guide, he tightened the reins and pulled Moti to a walk. Then he made another discovery. They were on a Government road, which happened, at that point, to have a smooth surface, and Moti stumbled disgracefully, for your true desert Arab will fall over himself when he no longer needs to exercise his wits in order to keep his feet. Behind a tumble-down hut a fire was blazing.

The intrigue of the Earl of Oxford might facilitate the means, the violent prosecution of Sacheverel, and other unpopular measures, might create the occasion and encourage her in the resolution; but the true original cause was the personal ill-usage which she received in her private life and in some trifling instances of the exercise of her power, for indulgence in which she would certainly have left the reins of government in those hands which had held them ever since her accession to the throne.

As they returned home, Karl expressed no wish to ride Buffalo, and Garth rode it, and Hardy drove his Danish horses. "I should like to see how you drive; may I come up and sit beside you?" said Helga. After they had gone a little way, Hardy said to her, "Take the reins and drive. I have bought these horses for my mother, and she will drive them herself, and you can drive them.

Of the two women whose hearts had once beaten in loving sympathy with mine, one lay in her grave and the other was lost to me in a foreign land. On the drive by the sea I met my mother, in her little pony-chaise, moving slowly under the mild wintry sunshine. I dismissed the man who was in attendance on her, and walked by the side of the chaise, with the reins in my hand.

We must here, as in many other instances, lament the inconstancy of human nature, that a person endowed with so many noble virtues generosity, sincerity, friendship, valor, eloquence, and industry should, in the latter period of his life, have given reins to his ungovernable passions, and involved, not only himself, but many of his friends, in utter ruin.