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"Perhaps, Miss Folliard," said Reilly, "it would be better to defer the explanation until you shall have gained more strength." "Oh, no, sir," she replied; "my anxiety to hear it will occasion me greater suffering, I am sure, than the knowledge of it, especially now that papa is safe."

I've been doubtful of Reilly for a long time." "By the Lord, if I don't get the rattlesnake for this!" swore Neil between his teeth. "Ain't there nothin' I can do for you, old pardner?" In sharp succession four shots rang out. Neil grasped his rifle, leaning forward and crouching for cover. He turned a puzzled face toward Leroy. "I don't savvy. They ain't shooting at us."

"A guy comes to me and says he wants you and Mr. Windsor put through it, but I gives him de t'run down. 'Nuttin' done, I says. 'Mr. Windsor caught me cat." "So I was informed," said Psmith. "Well, failing you, they went to a gentleman of the name of Reilly." "Spider Reilly?" "You have hit it, Comrade Jarvis. Spider Reilly, the lessee and manager of the Three Points gang."

"No more nor his sister riding on a pony. I hope he hasn't broken the donkey's knees," said Reilly. "I hope not. I don't think so, or he wouldn't be riding it. It really is Turly, and he won't be at home to tell Nurse what has become of me. Oh, Turly, Turly, why did you come after me when I told you not to?" "I said I would come," said Turly.

Reilly's house and place?" "Who is Mr. Reilly?" asked the other. "A Catholic gintleman, sir, that the soldiers are afther," replied the man. "And perhaps it is right that they should be after him. What did he do?

At this moment John, the butler, came in with a plate of hot toast; and, as he was a privileged old man, he addressed his master without much hesitation. "That was a quare business," he observed, using the word quare as an equivocal one, until he should see what views of the circumstance his master might take; "a quare business, sir, that happened to Mr. Reilly."

"Be quiet, Kelly," said he, "be quiet, sir; this is Mr. Reilly disguised." "Troth, I must look closely at him first," replied Kelly; "who knows but he's imposin' upon you, Dr. Wilson?" Kelly then looked closely into his face, still holding a firm grip of the cudgel. "Why, Kelly," said Reilly, "what the deuce are you at? Don't you know my voice at least?"

Reilly's blood, somehow, is up; and there they are looking at each other, like a pair o' game cocks, with their necks stretched out in a cockpit when I was a boy I used to go to see them ready to dash upon one another." "Are you not now suffering for your religion?" asked the prelate. "No," replied Reilly, "it is not for the sake of my religion that I have suffered any thing.

Lally?" "So you're at your thricks again, Miss Terry! Sorra ever such a young lady was born in this mortial world before!" said Lally. "Now what will your gran'ma be sayin' to you this time, Miss Terry?" "Oh, Gran'ma! I hope she hasn't had her breakfast yet, Nursey. Just look at the lovely fresh eggs Mr. Reilly got me!"

To be sure there is a great deal of cold vittles left, that would be lost and destroyed if we didn't give them to the poor; and you know the masther, who is a charitable man, desired us to do so. I'll go up and see what the poor devil wants." He accordingly went up to the hall-door, and found Reilly there.