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He followed the attendant to a large room, whose huge mantel was carven with the red hand and supporting lions of the clan Reilly, and passed over to the bed beside the window. He had requested to see O'Neill alone, and the attendant withdrew silently. Brian approached the bed, and stood looking down at the man who was passing from Ireland.

Reilly, I fear you must think me ungrateful; I have not yet thanked you for the service the service indeed so important that no language could find expression for it which you have rendered to dear papa, and to me. But, Mr. Reilly, I pray you do not think me ungrateful, or insensible, for, indeed, I am neither. Suffer me to feel what I owe you, and do not blame me if I cannot express it."

Lanigan! why, you infernal old scoundrel! how dare you have the assurance to look me in the face, or to come under my roof at all, after what I said to you about the pistols?" "Ay, but you don't know the good news I have for you and Miss Helen." "Oh, Lanigan, is Reilly safe? is he set at large? Oh, I am sure he must be. Never was so noble, so pure, and so innocent a heart."

I dare not! Here, now, I spread out my arms fire!" "I also," said Reilly, "will partake of whatever fate may befall the venerable clergyman who is before you," and he stood up side by side with the bishop. The guns were still levelled, the fingers of the men on the triggers, when Smellpriest shouted out, "Ground arms!

Five minutes after the noon whistle blew, on Saturday, every carpenter and laborer knew that Bannon had "pulled a gun" on Reilly. Those who heard it last heard more than that, for when the story had passed through a few hands it was bigger and it took longer to tell. And every man, during the afternoon, kept his eyes more closely on his work.

"Well, sir," said Reilly, "it's my opinion that the Rapparee will lodge in Sligo jail before to-morrow mornin'; and it's a thousand pities that Whitecraft shouldn't be sent there to keep him company." "He certainly is the most unpopular man living.

"It was between us, Helen, but it is not now; I am here in life before you your own William Reilly, that William Reilly whom you loved so well, but so fatally. I am he: do you not know me?" "You are not William Reilly," she replied; "if you were, you would have a token." "Do you forget that?" he replied, placing in her hand the emerald ring she had given him at the trial.

In the meantime, Sir Robert Whitecraft, having had another interview with Hennessy, was prevailed upon to get a military party together, and the cunning reprobate, in order to excite the baronet's vengeance to a still higher pitch, mentioned a circumstance which he had before forgotten, to wit, that Reilly, his arch-enemy, was also in the cave.

You're not wanted on the premises. I told you once before that I was through talking." Reilly started to reply, but his companion checked him. "That's all right," he said. "I know your side of it. Wait for me up by the car line." When Reilly had gone Bannon repeated his invitation to sit down. "You probably know why I've come," the delegate began. "Mr.

Reilly and the bishop traversed a wild and remote part of the country, in which there was nothing to be seen but long barren wastes, over which were studded, here and there, a few solitary huts; upon its extremity, however, there were some houses of a more comfortable description, the habitations of middling farmers, who possessed small farms at a moderate rent.