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It's on Forty-second Street. Anybody will show you the way." Jeeves shook his head. "Pardon me, sir. People are no longer going to Reigelheimer's. The place at the moment is Frolics on the Roof." "You see?" I said to Rocky. "Leave it to Jeeves. He knows."

She was still in this hesitant frame of mind when she entered Reigelheimer's Restaurant, and it perturbed her that she could not come to some definite decision on Mr Pickering, for those subtle signs which every woman can recognize and interpret told her that the latter, having paved the way by talking machinery for a week, was about to boil over and speak of higher things.

After various vicissitudes in the land of his adoption which it would be extremely interesting to relate, but which must wait for a more favourable opportunity he had secured a useful and not ill-recompensed situation as one of the staff of Reigelheimer's Restaurant.

The sudden start which Lord Dawlish had given at the opening words of her sentence justified the concluding word. Innocent as his behaviour had been that night at Reigelheimer's, he had been glad at the time that he had not been observed. It now appeared that he had been observed, and it seemed to him that Long Island suddenly flung itself into a whirling dance.

And such was the reaction from what might be termed his later Reigelheimer's mood that if he had been asked to define feminine charm in a few words, he would have replied without hesitation that it was the quality of being as different as possible in every way from the Good Sport. Elizabeth fulfilled this qualification.

That was why Bill had not seen Claire from where he sat; and the reason that he had not seen her when he left his seat and began to dance was that he was not one of your dancers who glance airily about them. When Bill danced he danced. He would have been stunned with amazement if he had known that Claire was at Reigelheimer's that night.

A cursory inspection of his conscience showed nothing but purity and whiteness, but he must have done something, or she would not be staring at him like this. 'I don't understand! was the only remark that occurred to him. 'Are you sure? 'What do you mean? 'I was at Reigelheimer's Restaurant Ah!

"I should be delighted to oblige, sir. As a matter of fact, I have already visited some of New York's places of interest on my evening out, and it would be most enjoyable to make a practice of the pursuit." "Fine! I know exactly what your aunt wants to hear about, Rocky. She wants an earful of cabaret stuff. The place you ought to go to first, Jeeves, is Reigelheimer's.

Claire had arrived with Polly Wetherby and Mr Dudley Pickering at about the time when Nutty, his gloom melting rapidly, was instructing the waiter to open the second bottle. Of Claire's movements between the time when she secured her ticket at the steamship offices at Southampton and the moment when she entered Reigelheimer's Restaurant it is not necessary to give a detailed record.

'Rather! said Lord Dawlish. In the days that followed their interrupted love-scene at Reigelheimer's Restaurant that night of Lord Dawlish's unfortunate encounter with the tray-bearing waiter, Dudley Pickering's behaviour had perplexed Claire Fenwick. She had taken it for granted that next day at the latest he would resume the offer of his hand, heart, and automobiles.