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I'd better leave it to him. So we didn't spend our money foolish, like most part of the diggers that had a bit of luck; but we had to do a fair thing. We got through a lot of money every week, I expect. Talking of foolish things, I saw one man that had his horse shod with gold, regular pure gold shoes. The blacksmith made 'em good solid ones, and all regular.

"Not a healthy existence," I returned. "It suits me. I dine here most nights; the journey to and fro forms my daily constitutional. You are not a regular customer here?" "No, an occasional one only. I should guess that you are engaged in artistic work of some kind." "Right!" he said with a show of excitement.

Roper and Brown rode about seven miles down the river, and found that it again formed a large regular bed well supplied with water; and that the country was of a more open character.

Cape 'Turn Again' is the furthest occidental point reached by the far-famed exploration of O Zargo. The profile suggests it to be the northern half of a dome once regular and complete, but cut in two, as a cake might be, by time and the elements. Facetious picnickers roll over the edge-rocks which may kill the unfortunates gathering grass dreadful trade! upon the dizzy ledges.

"Come, Walter, we must catch the limited for Washington immediately. McBride, I leave you and the regular house man to shadow this woman. Don't let her get out of your sight for a moment." As we rode across the city to the new railroad terminus Craig hastily informed me of what he had overheard.

The regular army consisted of legions and supplementa, the latter being subdivided into the imperial guards and the auxiliary troops. The infantry of the allies was generally more numerous than that of the Romans, while the cavalry was three times as numerous.

Nobody else stirrin'?" "Not a soul. They 're as regular as clockwork on this station. How did you get in?" "Took the hinges off o' the gate with my monkey-wrench. I'll leave that all straight. Course, they'll see the tracks by-'n'-by, an' know who to blame; but I'll be clear by that time; an' I must guard agen comin' in contract with Runnymede till the st-nk blows off o' this transaction.

It ain't to be expected that men will run the risk of going to jail for regular foremast hands' wages. They want more money, and it's right that they should have it. Why, them blockade-runners I told you about paid their hands five hundred dollars apiece for the run to Nassau and back. What do you think of that?" "Of course it is good wages.

Krevin Crood, lofty and even haughty in manner as he was, had lounged near the bar and stood looking around him, nodding here and there as he met the eye of an acquaintance. "Waiting till somebody asks him to drink," muttered Peppermore. "Regular sponge, he is! And once used to crack his bottle of champagne with the best!"

In the first place it is highly improbable that a bird which roams about within the same small area of ground, makes regular use of a certain tree and a certain branch of that tree, and observes a similar routine day after day, can be other than the same individual. But, apart from this general consideration, are there any means by which individuals of the same species can be identified?