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He had left her, regretfully, in the East, but had made provision that she was still to have her room in the old Murdoch home. "Phyllis would have come west, and gladly, if I could have promised her a position," Murdoch explained, "but I could not do that, as I knew nothing of your plans, and a girl can't afford to trifle with her job these days, Mr. Grant."

"H'm! is that so?" grunted the injured member, regretfully; for to be deprived of the boon of fighting would be taking some of the joys of life away from the pugnacious Carberry twin. "Fall in again, boys!" said Paul, cheerily. "Not the same way, I hope, captain!" ventured Bobolink; at which there was a laugh, and the incident seemed closed.

George, he had never had great traffic with a future infinitely removed; he had a youthful and somewhat imaginative fashion of striking before the iron was well in the fire. "Your servant believed, then, your Highness," he said clearly, "that in taking Miss Holland's life she was serving you?" "I must regretfully conclude so." St.

A high soul will bring a man to the workhouse; so you may be right in sticking up for vanity. 'No, no, I don't do that, she said regretfully. Mr. Knight, when you are gone, will you send me something you have written? I think I should like to see whether you write as you have lately spoken, or in your better mood.

Alas! what will now become of the fine projects so long formed between us!" "Six sous, père Richard," observed the postman, arousing him from his reverie. "Six sous!" cried the old man. "The devil! was it not prepaid? Ah! true enough," he sighed, as he regretfully handed the man the coin he had just received from Mariette.

Little enough, God knows, little enough, but the best good turn." When Mrs. Joyce used in her last days to predict regretfully that her youngest daughter would never marry, she said a bold word, for at this time still Theresa's years fell short of twenty, and she was generally recognised as the prettiest girl to be seen at Mass in the small, ugly chapel down beyant near Ballybrosna.

The adobe houses of the Mexicans pleased her, and, then the train got out into Indian country, where pueblos appeared near the track and Indians with their bright colors and shaggy wild mustangs then she was enraptured. "But these Indians are peaceful!" she exclaimed once, regretfully. "Gracious, child! You don't want to see hostile Indians, do you?" queried Helen.

However, I don't know"; she sighed regretfully, "But when such absolute uncertainty prevailed it was impossible to say that Julian was beneath me by birth, and as to position But, there" she broke off, "of course he never came amongst us any more." "Otherwise I should have known him all my life," Angelica exclaimed, "and there would have been none of this misery."

Yet this very thing was I obliged regretfully to concede of her before many days. And it was behavior that I could palliate only by reminding myself constantly that she was not only a woman but the daughter of Miss Caroline, and by that token subject inevitably to certain infirmities of character. And still did she at times evince for me that shyness which only enhanced my peril.

"Come," he said, "we are regretfully compelled to bring you back to town, but we will endeavour to make the journey as comfortable as possible for you. In any event, the horses will certainly not travel so fast." In the roadway they found the carriages where they had left them, whilst three wondering cocchieri were exchanging opinions as to the mad behaviour of the foreigners.