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"Hold hard," cried he, addressing the waterman; "I'll give the gentleman a lift." "Unpossible, master," rejoined Ben; "the tide's running down like a mill-sluice, and the wind's right in our teeth. Old saltwater was right. We shall have a reg'lar squall afore we gets across. D'ye hear how the wanes creaks on old Winchester House? We shall have a touch on it ourselves presently.

I met a prof. there from some American college he hired an automobubble and took me down to a reg'lar old inn " "Well, well!" " like you read about; sanded floor!" "Get to London?" "Yuh. Gee! it's a big place. Say, that Westminster Abbey's a great place. I was in there a couple of times. More darn tombs of kings and stuff. And I see a bishop, with leggins on! But I got kind of lonely.

"If it ain't moist with something stronger than dew afore long, I lose my guess!" muttered Ben, looking upward. "If this night don't see a reg'lar tornado, I'll give up beat." For a short time Ben plied his oars, casting anxious glances down the shore, hoping to find Mrs. Harrington and her boat safe in some inlet or cove, waiting for them. "In course," said Ben, muttering as usual to himself.

They're reg'lar Class A twins, too, and I expect some day they'll be more or less interestin'; but after they've been officially exhibited to you four or five times, and you've heard all about the system they're being brought up on, and how many ounces of Pasteurized cow extract they sop up a day, and at what temperature they get it, and how often they take their naps and so on Well, sometimes I'm thankful the Rands didn't have triplets.

"'Well, I says to him, 'glad there wasn't any violence. "'Yes, he says, 'but if I hadn't kept my eye skinned there would 've been. All those fellows had bombs in their pockets. They're reg'lar anarchists. "'Oh, rats, Clarence, I says, 'I looked 'em all over carefully, and they didn't have any more bombs 'n a rabbit, I says.

"He 'ain't never been what you'd call sick," Lily tried to reassure herself; "he's a reg'lar rascal!" she ended, tenderly; her eyes those curious amber eyes, through which sometimes a tigress looks! looked now at Maurice in passionate motherhood. Maurice, putting the money down on the table, said, "I wish I could do more for you, Lily; but I'm dreadfully strapped."

His patent leather hair she could not picture it against her arm his mouth, thin-lipped and too red.... She shuddered involuntarily, as she thought of it and the man, bending above her, saw the shudder. "Well," he questioned for the third time, "what about it? I'm a reg'lar guy, ain't I? How'd you like to marry me?" Rose-Marie moistened her lips before she answered.

'Now, says I, 'I'm goin' to do the courtin', sister. And I sot out to learn her to shake hands. She got most as good as a state senator at it: purfessional-like, but not real glad to see you. Jest put on. Then I learns her to nod yes. That was hard. Then I gets her so she would lay down and stay till I told her to get up. 'Course it takes time and I didn't have the time reg'lar.

And inch by inch Watty coaxed her clean off of him. But the next day she hearn him and Mrs. Ostrich giggling about something, and she has a reg'lar tantrum, and jest fur meanness goes out and falls down on the race track, pertending she has fainted, and they can't move her no ways, not even roll her.

"She's jest gone," replied Ephraim. His father came in. He looked at the boy with a childish and anxious sweetness. "Don't you feel quite as well as you did?" he inquired. "Dunno as I do." "Took your medicine reg'lar?" Ephraim nodded. "I guess it's good medicine," said Caleb; "it come real high; I guess the doctor thought consid'ble of it. I'd take it reg'lar if I was you.