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Then he stepped toward the Mexican lad, on whose shoulder he placed a hand, observing: "You have heard, Felipe; the man who is usurping your rights refuses to do you justice, and proposes to continue robbing you." The black eyes of the boy flashed. "I will have my rights!" he exclaimed, in good English. "Either he shall pay me or he shall die! I will kill him!" "Softly, my lad!

Back they come, crowding into his life through the windows if not through the doors, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. If the parable had been told in modern times it might have been called the parable of the vacuum. A man's life is a space which refuses to be empty. If it is not tenanted by good the evil knocks and enters it. There is no such thing as an unoccupied life.

And so had ended that memorable day and night; and now for two whole wretched days I had not seen Dorothy, nor heard of her save through Ruyven, who brought us news that she lay on her bed in the dark with no desire for company. "There is a doctor at Johnstown," he said; "but Dorothy refuses, saying that she is only tired and requires peace and rest. I don't like it, Cousin George.

But, on the other hand, if bills are right drawn, and advice duly given, and the person has effects in his hands, then, if he refuses the bill, he says to the notary he does not accept the bill, but gives no reason for it, only that he says absolutely, 'I will not accept it you may take that for an answer; or he adds, 'I refuse to accept it, for reasons best known to myself. This is sometimes done, but this does not leave the person's credit who refuses, so clear as the other, though perhaps it may not so directly reflect upon him; but it leaves the case a little dubious and uncertain, and men will be apt to write back to the person who sent the bill to inquire what the drawer says to it, and what account he gives, or what character he has upon his tongue for the person drawn upon.

He tests women by whether or no they take presents from him, he tells me. He offers them a present, some accept at once, those he no longer considers; others hesitate, and say it is too much, they only want his affection He presses them, they yield they too, are wiped off the list and now he has no one to care for, since he has not been able to find one who refuses his gifts.

Akka knew, to be sure, that sheep are always shy and peculiar; but these seemed to have no idea of how they should conduct themselves. Finally an old ewe, who had a long and pathetic face and a doleful voice, said: "There isn't one among us that refuses to let you stay; but this is a house of mourning, and we cannot receive guests as we did in former days."

Alexander came there prejudiced against Metternich as a past master in the arts of double-dealing: he went away convinced that he meant well for the allies. "What will become of us," asked the Czar, "if Napoleon accepts your mediation?" To which the statesman replied: "If he refuses it, the truce will be at an end, and you will find us in the ranks of your allies.

I asked after the welfare of the Wheeler family generally, but it was only as Leslie was closing the door of the cab he hailed that I mentioned Sylvia. "Yes, Sylvia's all right," he said, as he waved me good-bye; "but she won't come away with the rest of us absolutely refuses to budge."

Do not stop to talk with people by the way; but go through the towns and villages, healing the sick, and preaching to the people, 'The kingdom of God is coming, He that hears you, hears me; and he that refuses you, refuses me; and he that will not hear me, will not hear him that sent me."

He boasts that he was loath to do reverence to lords and ladies, or to those clad in furs with pendants of silver, and refuses to greet "sergeants" with a "God save you". Every class of society is flagellated in his scathing criticisms.