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They saw him drifting over the stormy waters, enveloped in midnight darkness, chilled through with the damp night air, pierced to the bone by the cold night wind; drifting on amid a thousand dangers, now swept on by furious tides towards rocky shores, and again drawn back by refluent currents over vast sunken sea-ledges, white with foam.

Thereupon Homer says: "These words the Cyclops' burning rage provoke: From the tall hill he rends a pointed rock; High o'er the billows flew the massy load, And near the ship came thund'ring on the flood. It almost brushed the helm, and fell before: The whole sea shook, and refluent beat the shore." Pope's translation.

If not, he shall never see you again. When he has left Lanai, either for Hawaii or for the land of souls, I will bring you back to the sun. Come!" Now, the water pushing through the entrance to this cavern becomes a whirlpool; then, as it belches forth in a refluent wave, it is hurled into a white column.

At National City the refluent wave of the boom had left many of the houses and business blocks dilapidated and unoccupied save by bats, spiders and flies. You could occupy free of rent many buildings with none to molest or make you afraid.

"How long has he been like this?" asked Lloyd as she arranged the contents of her nurse's bag on a table near the window. "Pretty close to eight hours now. He was conscious yesterday morning, however, for a little while, and wanted to know what his chances were." They were neither good nor many; the strength once so formidable was ebbing away like a refluent tide, and that with ominous swiftness.

The hæmorrhages produced from the inability of the veins to absorb the refluent blood, is cured by opium, the preparations of steel, lead, the bark, vitriolic acid, and blisters; but these have the effect with much more certainty, if a venesection to a few ounces, and a moderate cathartic with four or six grains of calomel be premised, where the patient is not already too much debilitated; as one great means of promoting the absorption of any fluid consists in previously emptying the vessels, which are to receive it.

When the muscles of the heart cease to act, the refluent blood again distends or elongates them; and thus irritated they contract as before. The same happens to the arterial system, and I suppose to the capillaries, intestines, and various glands of the body.

So long as he kept his head exactly in the focus, his voice went out and did not return to him; but if he moved either way, he was assailed by a Babel of clamoring echoes. There was no opportunity for him to splurge about from side to side of the pulpit, as some do. And if he raised his voice much, or attempted any extra flights, he was liable to be drowned in a refluent sea of his own eloquence.

Her resolute lips speak boldly of marriage. Hardin wonders if any refluent political wave may throw him up to the senate or the governor's chair. His powers rust in retirement. He fears the day when his stewardship of Lagunitas may be at an end. He warily determines to get rid of Padre Francisco as soon as possible. The death of Donna Dolores places all in his hands.

"Wide windows, unprotected by glass or sashes, just embrasures framed in white stone which everywhere prevails in Mars, looked out upon the marvellous City, which thus seemed a lake of glowing fires, over which, rising and refluent waves of light constantly chased each other to its dark borders, where the surrounding plain country met the City's edges.