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I hate Pratt and his horrible house I almost hate my mother. Sometimes she is so cruel to me. She don't mean to be, but she is." His face grew reflective, almost stern. "I wish there were some way of taking you out of the world in which you now suffer. I wish " He paused, checked by the thought of Clarke's claims upon her.

"You're never going too, your Grace!" cried Guerchard. "Why, you don't want me to stay, do you?" said the Duke. "Yes," said Guerchard slowly. "I think I would rather go to bed," said the Duke gaily. "Are you afraid?" said Guerchard, and there was challenge, almost an insolent challenge, in his tone. There was a pause. The Duke frowned slightly with a reflective air.

I found him looking over some documents in his office; a reflective, unlighted cigar in the corner of his mouth; his chair tilted back and his feet on a window-sill. He nodded, upon my statement of the affair that brought me, and, without shifting his position, gave me a look of slow but wholly friendly scrutiny over his shoulder, and bade me sit down.

"You don't look it to all appearances," remarked Cap'n Joe in a reflective tone of voice. "But I'll agree it's many a year since I saw the top o' the water, an' I'm not expectin' to ever tramp on dry land again." "Are you dead, or drownded, or what?" asked Cap'n Bill. "Neither one nor t'other," was the answer.

The Hungarian laughed, not mirthfully, but with the forced gayety of a man who had considered how to act, and meant to adopt a decided attitude. "Certainly not," said the Earl stiffly, with uplifted eyebrows. Steingall pursed his lips, and his forehead seamed in a reflective frown.

He is of particularly quiet demeanor but observant of all things, and reflective a philosopher in a check shirt and sail-cloth trousers. Giving an impression of the strictest integrity of inability not to do his duty, and his whole duty.

A habitual act costs us much less to execute than a deliberate and reflective act. It is thus that the constructions of bees are more perfect than those of ants; the former act by instinct, the latter reason their acts at each step. Instinctive actions originate in reflective actions.

When the defect appears in the reflective powers, it is often regarded as insanity, though not more correctly than if it were confined to the emotions and feelings.

The latter, which gives us direct and immediate knowledge, and which in a certain sense might be called, if it does not seem too paradoxical, unconscious knowledge, is common both to men and animals, while that which distinguishes us from them is reflective knowledge, the knowing that we know.

G. Selden, through the capricious intervention of Fate, if he had not "got next" to Reuben S. Vanderpoel himself, had most undisputably "got next" to his favourite daughter. As the Dunholm carriage rolled down the avenue there reigned for a few minutes a reflective silence. It was Lady Dunholm who broke it. "That," she said in her softly decided voice, "that is a nice girl."