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In reality Le Chevalier squandered his patrimony recklessly. The treasury of the party presided over by an old officer of Frotté's, Bureau de Placène, who pompously styled himself the Treasurer-General was empty, and orders came from "high places," without any one exactly knowing whence they emanated, for the faithful to refill them by pillaging the coffers of the state.

Alf thoughtfully sprinkled the last drops from it so that they fell cascading about Pa. He was turning away to refill the jug, when a notion occurred to him. "Any brandy in the house?" he asked. "Ought to have thought of it before. Pubs are all closed now." "See if there's any ... up there." Emmy pointed vaguely upwards.

She had a little hollow brown jug, calculated to hold fifteen dollars in change, which could be opened when full, which she conscientiously endeavored to fill and refill. Her one desire was to rehabilitate her husband in the eyes of the world this time to stay and she was determined to do it.

Afterward seraphs and saints might replace the evaporated imaginings of other creeds; Satan might create a world of his own and people it with the damned; theology might evolve from elder faiths a newer trinity and set it like a diadem in space; angels and archangels might refill the devastated heavens of the past; none the less, in the light of that austere pronouncement, for a moment Israel dwelled in contemplation of the Ideal.

It seemed to her as if only three things in the world were really beautiful: light, space, water. No one spoke. Pere Lastique, who was at the tiller, took a pull every now and then from a bottle hidden under the seat; and he smoked a short pipe which seemed inextinguishable, although he never seemed to relight it or refill it. The baron, seated in the bow looked after the sail.

It seemed good to run upon one of their own countrymen again, after seeing so many strange faces since leaving Panama. Mr. Griggs insisted upon their going to his home with him for breakfast, and to this they consented as soon as they found he had made full arrangements for having some British workmen at the garrison refill the Sky-Bird's tanks.

"Who'll spin us a yarn now, something more believable than the last?" asked Billy, as they began to refill pipes. "Do it yourself, boy," said Joe. "Not I. Never was a good hand at it," returned Billy, "but I know that the mate o' the Sparrow there can spin a good yarn. Come, Evan, tell us about that dead man what came up to point out his own murderer."

"It is her fourth trip to the Cape of Good Hope," resumed the first speaker, knocking the ashes out of his pipe, and preparing to refill it. Just then a lady, dressed in the height of the prevailing fashion, advanced, and of one of the party enquired the name of the ship, and the port to which she was bound.

Without altering at all the structure of the Evening Prayer, it would be perfectly possible so to refill or reclothe that formulary as to give it the one thing needful which now it lacks freshness. In such a process the Magnificat and the Nunc dimittis would play an important part; as would also certain "ancient collects" of which we have heard much of late.

Just as they came to this bridge there floated to their ears the distant sound of the hamlet church-bell. "Now let us sit here a while and listen," said Kenelm, seating himself on the baluster of the bridge. "I see that you brought away your pipe from the inn, and provided yourself with tobacco: refill the pipe and listen." Tom half smiled and obeyed.