United States or Algeria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The popular vote was 3,012,000 for Grant and Colfax to 2,703,000 for Seymour and Blair. The Republican convention had shirked the question of negro suffrage at the North by referring it to the individual States. Its refusal in many of the Northern States was felt as a discredit after it had been enforced throughout the South. The Republicans in Congress took courage from the election.

"What else did he say?" asked Jo, referring to Colonel Butler. "Well, the substance of it all was that he had sent a lot of Iroquois across the river to cut us off before we can reach Wilkesbarre, and he has no doubt they will succeed. He goes over himself, so as to be on hand, I believe, to take charge of me that is, when they catch me." "Is that all?"

And I hope that gent who's starting up-town where the dudes are will tell 'em that there are honest men enough left to protect the poor folks from that poison water him and his rich friends are pumping out of the river to us." The Honorable Archer Converse halted his departure very suddenly. "You are not referring to me, are you, my man?"

I said: "I mean the one that jerked you up and down like a Jack-in-the- box; sometimes you came down again in the right place, and sometimes you didn't. I am not referring to these matters merely to recall painful memories, but I want to impress you with the folly of trying experiments at your time of life." He said. "I wish you wouldn't harp so much on my age. A man at thirty- four "

On the first occasion of my lady's referring to her plans for her future, she received a blow which fairly stunned her. The girl rose from her chair, and looked her straight in the face unflinchingly, and with a suggestion of hauteur not easy to confront. "I beg you will not speak to me of that again," she said: "I will not listen." And turning about, she walked out of the room.

I shall begin my final lecture by referring to them again briefly. At the close of my last lecture I referred to the existence of religious experiences of a specific nature. I must now explain just what I mean by such a claim. Briefly, the facts I have in mind may all be described as experiences of an unexpected life succeeding upon death.

In my view the word 'McMurdo' would merely be regarded, and was indeed regarded, by McMurdo Air Traffic Control as referring to the same McMurdo waypoint which had always existed.

"Only suspicions." "Of what?" "Of a fact which will some day astound you." Our eyes met again, and I saw in hers a look of intense earnestness that caused me to wonder. To what could she possibly be referring? "You certainly arouse my curiosity," I said, affecting to laugh. "Do you really think Sir Bernard such a very dreadful person, then?" "Ah! You do not take my words seriously," she remarked.

The face of the empress lighted up at once, and she replied to the general in very gracious terms, and gave him permission to renew his visits to her majesty whenever he wished to communicate anything to her. He had asked her to grant him this permission." "I knew the particulars of this first interview, except the passage referring to this permission," said Thugut, quietly.

Afterwards, as he grew up in life, this became a habit with him, which he did not relinquish even when he had attained the age of ninety years. His diaries all contain either at the beginning or the end of the record of his day's work, some beautiful lines of poetry referring to moral or literary subjects: mostly quotations or extracts from standard works.