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Some of his references to Rosa Minturn were such that Jo would have shot him as he sat eating by his own camp fire, had not the Mohawk interfered and quieted him with the philosophical observation: "Hain't got gal yet won't get her talk won't hurt her."

He that succeedeth in understanding this truly superior and excellent history, that is approved by persons of great learning as well as by those that are freed from anger and lust, and that is enforced by various references to scriptures and reason, obtaineth a knowledge of virtue and profit and desire, and enjoyeth the sovereignty of the whole world!"

So I say, the doctrine which we are discussing is not a method of attaining to truth. What it really attempts to do is to point out to us how it is prudent for us to act when we cannot discover what the truth is. "Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology," article "Pragmatism." Published in 1897 and 1898. For references to later developments of pragmatism, see the note on page 312.

Their faces showed plainly their disgust, and not to say dissatisfaction, and the big six-foot fellow went up to Fred and again applied for employment, saying that he couldn't find a better cowboy in the whole State than he was, and that he could get references to prove it.

He had at last found what he was looking for one of those stamped folded papers, interlined and riddled with references, where the impassible law makes itself responsible for so many lies. Mme. Jenkins was going to say: "But I was here.

By far the commonest cause of muscular movement in these inactive cases is resistiveness, and as a rule the inactivity is interrupted only by negativistic symptoms. If we look for some explanation or correlation of these symptoms, we find that chance references to conduct seem to point in the same direction, namely, to the desire to be left alone.

All references to his sorrow are likely to irritate him, and evidence of the pity of others galls his pride. No, no, Inza, there is little that you and I can do, I fear. Let us do our best to surround him with a cheerful atmosphere, and " "That is precisely what I mean, Frank. Now, I have a plan.

It came back to him, however, that several times his wife's casual references to the past, and particularly regarding her parents, had not dove-tailed, but that he had dismissed the impression; attributing it to some lapse in his own attention. He had a bad habit of listening and thinking out a knotty business problem at the same time.

Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the plurality of indicatory marks. In the Vajasaneyaka, in the Agnirahasya chapter, there are references to certain altars built of mind, 'built of mind, built of speech, &c.

Of course, the two pages devoted to "Natural Rights" would mention, among other references, Prof.