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Every one who reads these lines will know perfectly well what is meant, when reference is made to the good sense and practical utility of English women's dress. So universal is this, that it might almost be laid down as an axiom, that the American woman, no matter in what walk of life you observe her, or what the time or the place, is always persistently and grotesquely overdressed.

It's fine soap. Seven cases of fine Castile soap. Will anybody bid thirty-three?" Young Cowperwood's mind was working. He had no money with him; but his father was teller of the Third National Bank, and he could quote him as reference. He could sell all of his soap to the family grocer, surely; or, if not, to other grocers. Other people were anxious to get this soap at this price. Why not he?

I up to the Painted Chamber, thinking to have got in to have heard the King's speech, but upon second thoughts did not think it would be worth the crowd, and so went down again into the Hall and there walked with several, among others my Lord Rutherford, who is come out of Scotland, and I hope I may get some advantage by it in reference to the business of the interest of the great sum of money I paid him long since without interest.

But if, on the contrary, the investigation be in reference to a range of thought which rests upon a basis that is, in all ways, sound concerning Mathematical truths, for instance then the sceptical spirit is not aided by it, but is, contrariwise, weakened.

I have a sneaking notion that, with some reference to your mountain lands, Brother Garnet whom, I declare, John, I wouldn't speak to if it wasn't for Cousin Rose has for years built you into his plans, including those he brought here last night. In a few days you'll at last be through Rosemont; but I believe he'd be glad to see you live for years yet on loves, hates, and borrowed money.

She didn't know what a contagious disease was, but on the hypothesis that he had reference to sparking, she blushed and said she had, but only two evenings, because John had only just got back from the woods where he had been chopping, and she had to sit up with him.

So the widow and mother performed her duty, and in the moment realized that the freedom she had prayed for and dreamed of, fruit of scarlet and gold seen afar, was but an apple of Sodom in the hand. Possibly the reader does not know all the word means. Let him be told it with reference to the Law of that time, only a little modified in this.

And then all the company sang the national anthem with national independenceeach for himself, without reference to the otherand finally separated: all declaring that they never had spent so pleasant an evening: and Miss Martin inwardly resolving to adopt the advice of Mr. Jennings Rodolph, and to ‘come out’ without delay.

He knew she had a husband there, and this was disagreeable to him; and, furthermore, it had been repeated to him that this husband wished to put her away a state of affairs to which even indirect reference was to be deprecated. It was true, nevertheless, that the Baroness herself had often alluded to Silberstadt; and Acton had often wondered why her husband wished to get rid of her.

Feeling sure that it was necessary for papa's peace that the sacrifice should be made, I entreated him to make it. A miserable foreboding that she would yield to, and sustain herself by, the same feeling in reference to any sacrifice for his sake, had oppressed me ever since. I knew how she loved him. I knew what the devotion of her nature was.