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Was there anything like sympathy in such a feeling? or was it rather that perversity of temper which sometimes seems to cast an ennobling feature over violence, and to afford here and there, a touch of that moral sunshine which can now and then give an almost redeeming expression to the countenance of vice itself?

Yielding to the dictates of prudence and desirous of redeeming the pledge which she had made to her husband, Mrs. Mack stayed within doors most of the time for some days after her husband had bade her farewell, keeping a vigilant look-out on every side for the prowling foe. No sound but the voices of nature disturbed the stillness of the forest. Everything around spoke of peace and repose.

It was his ambition, should he remain within the fold of the church, to do somewhat towards redeeming and rectifying their inferiority, and to assist in infusing energy and faith into the hearts of Christian ministers, who were, as he thought, too often satisfied to go through life without much show of either.

He would have us feel and groan under our sinfulness and utter incapability of redeeming ourselves from the bondage, rather than hazard the pollution of our imaginations by a recapitulation and renewing of sins and their images in detail. Do not, he says, stand picking the flaws out one by one, but plunge into the river and drown them! I venture to be of Luther's doctrine.

He says that the government is in truth a press-ocracy, and a press-ocracy, too, that has not the redeeming merit of either principles, tastes, talents or knowledge."

Too early had he learned the power of that wealth to which he might one day becomes the joint heir with his brother, and his pride, perhaps, was censured more than he deserved. His love for his mother and brother were strong redeeming traits in that self-willed nature, and toward those two beings he ever exercised a lofty and ennobling forbearance.

The reply was there were no English prisoners in Spain; and as this notoriously untrue, it was agreed in the fleet that all the Spaniards they might take in the future should be sold to the Moors, and the money reserved for the redeeming of such Englishmen as might be in captivity there or elsewhere. The English fleet then sailed for Cape St.

Village fighting is a confused and untidy business, but it possesses certain redeeming features. The combatants are usually so inextricably mixed up that the artillery are compelled to refrain from participation. That comes later, when you have cleared the village of the enemy, and his guns are preparing the ground for the inevitable counter-attack. So far 'A' Company had done nobly.

Yet I have a profound respect for each and every minister of religion who honestly endeavours to follow the counsels of Christ," here he paused, then added with slow and marked emphasis "in whose Holy Name I devoutly believe for the redemption of whatever there is in me worth redeeming; nevertheless my first duty, even in Christ, is plainly to the people of the country over which I am elected to rule."

Presently, discovering his retreat, he hailed him as he remembered it thus: "'And are you there, you sinner d d, And do you fare so well! Were it not for redeeming grace You'd long since been in hell."