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And now Jimmie was going to "Chatty Terry", in charge of a red-headed Orangeman who a few days ago had expressed the opinion that all Socialists were traitors and should be shot! The officer gave them passes, one for each man, in case they got separated, and they started towards the place where the new machines were lined up. On the way Jimmie had a moment of utter panic.

I tell you, I'll 'phone over just as soon as my airplane comes and you can get yourself ready for a flight. Be sure to wrap up warm and put something over your head." Miss Ann assured him she would. "By crickity! Who is that girl speaking to the old men now? That red-headed girl in the fairy queen dress? Bless Bob, if it ain't old Dick Buck's granddaughter.

For this I was sure to be punished, as I was also for every fight I got into with the neighbor boys, whose great stronghold was to twit me of being "lazy and red-headed." I was, however, successful at last in convincing my mother that those lads whom I was frequently fighting and quarreling with, were taking every advantage of her action in flogging me every time I had difficulty with them.

Psyche frowned and shook her head, as if half sorry she had told her little story. "Was he handsome?" asked Miss Larkins, the believer in fate. "I didn't particularly observe." "It was the red-headed man, whom we call Titian: he's always on the stairs." "No, it wasn't; his hair was brown and curly," cried Psyche, innocently falling into the trap.

As the questions came for me I met them half-way, spouting my best or worst French in a manner which positively astonished the tiny red-headed demigod. I challenged with my eyes and with my voice and with my manner Apollyon Himself, and Apollyon Himself merely cuddled together, depressing his hairy body between its limbs as a spider sometimes does in the presence of danger.

The six trawls stretched away from the vessel like the spokes from the hub of a wheel, the buoy marking the outer anchor of each trawl being over a mile away. I was captain of a dory this year, passing as a seasoned fisherman with my experience of the year before. My helper or "bow-man" was John Hogan, a young Irishman about my own age, red-headed, but green at the fishing business.

The plump, red-headed young man, with the complexion of a baby and a smile that impartially embraced the universe, was seated at his elbow. "Who is the girl at the captain's right?" he demanded eagerly as Percival took his seat. "His daughter," Percival said curtly, painfully aware of the amused glances that had followed his entrance. "Some looker!" said Andy. "I see my finish right now."

"David sets all the store in the world by him," stated Mrs. Bixbee to a friend, "though he don't jest let on to not in so many words. He's got a kind of a notion that his little boy, if he'd lived, would 'a' ben like him some ways. I never seen the child," she added, with an expression which made her visitor smile, "but as near 's I c'n make out f'm Dave's tell, he must 'a' ben red-headed.

As he was speaking, the object of his eulogy opened the hall door, and the next instant a tall, red-headed man with closely trimmed side-whiskers, and wearing a brown check suit and a blue necktie, ran the gauntlet of Chad's profound but anxious bow, and advanced towards the colonel, hat in hand. "Which is Mr. Carter?" The colonel arose gracefully.

And when he burst out of the thicket, to stand on the river bank, close to where Thad was yelling, this was what he saw: A row-boat was speeding down the river, urged on by the lusty movements of a red-headed man who was sitting in it; Thad danced about on the deck of the swamp, pointing after the fleeing party, and calling on Maurice to "give him both barrels, the thief!"