United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The illness and death of Scott's beloved wife, but four short months after his commercial disaster, was a profound grief to him; and under the exhausting pressure of incessant work during the five years following, his bodily power began to fail, so that in October, 1831, after a paralytic shock, he stopped all literary labor and went to Italy for recuperation.

We, too, feel and appreciate the beauty of these lakes and mountains The hill-sides and placid waters, the forest songs, and wild scenery are pleasant to us; but we enjoy them the more from the intellectual relaxation, the mental quiet and repose, which we find among them. We feel that we are resting, that the process of recuperation, intellectual as well as physical, is going on within us.

The country was like some great purring creature that let him lie in its bosom and filled his body with the warm steady throb of its untroubled strength. After a week of recuperation, he bought a horse from Guiterrez for a pack animal, loaded it with bedding and provisions and rode away into the mountains.

It is barely possible, of course, that laughing, like any other emotional expression, would become tiresome if overdone, but I am inclined to doubt the possibility of harmful effect under any circumstances. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," and the relaxation and recuperation that go with laughing should be sought with a certain amount of regularity.

It seems almost inevitable that the Asiatic problem should look like small potatoes in comparison with the European one, especially as our own industrial recuperation is so closely connected with European relations, while the Far East cuts a negligible figure.

His defeat at Camden had been terribly complete, and his flight had been too rapid to inspire confidence in his capacity for recuperation.

She saw a light under the door and inferred that she and Alice were playing poker and consuming many cigarettes, that being their idea of recuperation between one hard day's work and the next. She was in no mood for talking. Her room was stuffy as well as cold; the furniture and curtains had probably not been changed since the second empire.

We're not nearly civilized enough yet to have lost the power Of recuperation, and in spite of our express-train speed, I doubt if we shall travel from crudity to rottenness without a pause at maturity." "That is the old, old story," he said. "Yes; is there anything new under the sun?" He was gloomy. "Nothing, I suppose." Then the gloom lightened.

Fortunately the boys were brought north just in time to save their lives, and the majority, after a recuperation of two or three years, regained their normal health. The primary responsibility for this gamble with death rested with those who sent an expedition from the United States to the tropics in midsummer when the measures necessary to safeguard its health were not yet known.

In four counties out of five, a bare fallow was deemed essential for the recuperation of cropped lands. Barley and oats were more often grown than wheat. Dibbling or drilling of grain, notwithstanding Platt and Jethro Tull, were still rare.