United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We had paused to recuperate our animals, and there was a rumor that we were to get new clothing. Anyhow we had rags with honor, and a right to make as much noise as we chose. It was being made.

Then with the consciousness that he had done his duty, he lay down to rest for a few hours to recuperate before he again took up the thread of that busy life which, though at times it brought him sore trials and tribulations, never appeared to have robbed him of that measure of contentment and cheerfulness with his lot which was his chief characteristic in sustaining him through the temporary storms of adversity which he encountered.

I understand the Americans have leased the Riviera, recuperate at Nice and Monte Carlo. The only Cook's tour we had was Gallipoli," he added grimly. Victor had gone a good way toward acquiring an English accent, the boys thought. At least he said 'necess'ry' and 'dysent'ry' and called his suspenders 'braces'. He offered Claude a cigarette, remarking that his cigars were in his lost trunk.

Bettina had been in her old home a week long enough to recuperate from her journey and begin to take up her life, such as it was to be. She would gladly have relaxed entirely and lain in bed to be waited on and tended by Nora, had this been possible.

On the second night beacon fires were burning on every hilltop, and water was being hauled in barrels to certain rest stations where the searchers could come and recuperate. Old Sudden achieved some front-page fame himself as a stalwart Napoleon of the desert which he profanely resented, by the way. On the third day Mary V was ordered to stay at home.

Under such circumstances it is better either to avoid the bath altogether or else take more exercise in order more thoroughly to warm the body before taking the bath. Usually if one is warm before bathing and if the cold bath is taken in a warm room it is easy to recuperate from it. Another good suggestion in a case of this kind is to decrease the duration of the bath.

We sent him into the country to recuperate, and there he met Hattie Snow, fell head over heels in love with her blue eyes and golden hair, and married her on the spot. Of course, there was nothing to do then but to go to work, and Mr. Hammond took him into his real estate and insurance office. He's been there ever since, plodding plodding, plodding." By George!" murmured Mr. Smith sympathetically.

If it is found that these increased exertions cause him to have pain or a more rapid heart than is excusable, even after persisting for a few days, the attempt to increase this reserve power of the heart should be abandoned. There is probably, at least at that particular time, considerable myocarditis, although the heart may eventually recuperate still more.

"Yes; I do love you," I say, "but " Then there's a sigh. "Yes; I'll love you," you say "if " Then there's a laugh. If I tell a fib, and am not worth having, you can always recuperate. But we can't recuperate. I'm to go about the world and be laughed at, as the girl that Frank Jones made a fool of. Oh! Mr. Jones, if you treat me in that way, won't I punish you?

He invited Norton to his home, had him to dinner, watched him keenly, and came to the conclusion that Norton was riding on his nerves, that he had not taken sufficient time to recuperate before getting his feet back into the official stirrups, that the strain of his duties was telling on him, that he needed a rest and a change or would go to pieces.