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Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery, and every happiness and prosperity in your future life, believe me, dear Mr. Cossey, "Very truly yours, "Ida de la Molle." He put down this uncompromising and crushing epistle and nervously glanced at the Squire's, which was very short. "My dear Cossey," it began, "Ida has shown me the inclosed letter.

I often think it was the happiest thing for her to be taken ere these fearful things came to pass. The terror would well nigh have driven her distracted. Methinks she would have died of sheer fright. But, father, is all lost past recovery? Can none of the watch or of the constables tell you aught, or help you to recover aught?"

With him the beginning of life has all the characteristics of resurrection; it is like the recovery of suspended health or animation, with its gratitude, its effusion, and eloquence. Fair as the young men of the Elgin marbles, the Adam of the Sistine Chapel is unlike them in a total absence of that balance and completeness which express so well the sentiment of a self-contained, independent life.

The thought of her moved him deeply. He longed to have her in his arms, to comfort her, to feel her dependent on him for the recovery of joy and vitality.

I was confident that I should suffer no abuse or injustice so long as the doctors in charge should live up to their agreement and treat me with unvarying fairness. This they did, and my quick recovery and subsequent discharge may be attributed partly to this cause. The assistant physicians who had come in contact with me during my first experience in this hospital were no longer there.

I shuddered convulsively, and a coin struck the floor and ran till it fell flat. And the door swiftly opened.... Yes, my whole character is changed, within; though externally it may seem the same. Externally I may seem to have resumed the affections and the interests which occupied me before my illness and my remarkable recovery. Yet I am different.

The nobleman answered, with tears in his eyes, that she was indeed in a condition such as give no hope of her recovery, but that she sometimes saw company, tho' obliged to receive them in bed, having lost the use of her limbs, and would perhaps be glad of the visit of a person she had known so long.

The same may be said of fracture of the tuber ischii, but when these bones are fractured a more serious condition results. Treatment. When a case is found to be uncomplicated, that is, if the fracture is such that recovery seems possible and after having determined that treatment may be practicable, the first consideration is that of confining the subject in suitable slings.

This delusion continued through her illness, and so strongly did it force itself upon her mind, that one morning when she was on her way to recovery, on waking suddenly and seeing the doctor bending over her, she exclaimed, "How do the children?"

"Is she recovering?" he asked, after a moment's hesitation. Lady Janet's voice answered him. "Not yet." "Shall I send for the nearest doctor?" Horace interposed. He declined to let Julian associate himself, even in that indirect manner, with Mercy's recovery. "If the doctor is wanted," he said, "I will go for him myself." Julian closed the library door.