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"Wal, there might be something in that ar, if it warnt for his character; but I can show recommends from his master and others, to prove he is one of your real pious, the most humble, prayin, pious crittur ye ever did see. Why, he's been called a preacher in them parts he came from." "And I might use him for a family chaplain, possibly," added the young man, dryly. "That's quite an idea.

It is not every truth that recommends itself to the common sense. Nature has a place for the wild clematis as well as for the cabbage. Some expressions of truth are reminiscent, others merely sensible, as the phrase is, others prophetic. Some forms of disease, even, may prophesy forms of health.

She recommends old Mrs. Bennett's cottage at Mersham Wood. The place is quite rustic though it is near enough to London to be convenient. You might come and go." "She is too kind too kind," said Robin. "Oh! how kind to think of me like that. I will write and thank her." The sweet gratitude in her eyes and voice were touching. She could not speak steadily.

Plato himself, incomparably the most transcendental philosopher of pre-Christian antiquity, knows no higher virtue than Justice; and he alone recommends it unconditionally and for its own sake, whereas the rest make a happy life, vita beata, the aim of all virtue, and moral conduct the way to attain it.

"Oh, you go too far; a legislator wouldn't steal a spittoon." "No, but the fellow he recommends for clerkship does." "My idea is that there are very few men who take money." "I admit that, but they'll all trade their job for another job. Honesty is impossible. The Angel Gabriel would become a boodler under our system of government. The cure is to abolish government."

A well-known missionary at Constantinople recommends travellers to take 3 grains of tartar-emetic for the ejection of the bilious matter in the stomach; but the reverend doctor possibly forgets that much more of the system is disorganized than the stomach; and though in one or two cases of a slight attack, this remedy may have proved successful, it is altogether too violent for an enfeebled man in Africa.

Benard, according to Cadiot and Almy, recommends bandaging with a heavy piece of cloth in which an opening is made through which the patella is allowed to protrude, and by turning such a bandage snugly about the stifle several times, the patella is held in position. This bandage should be kept in place for about ten days.

Now every man must be sensible how little becoming the gravity of legislature it is to encourage a board which recommends to us, and upon very weighty reasons unquestionably, an enlargement of the capital we employ in the operations of the hand, and then to pass an act which taxes that manual labor, already at a very high rate, thus compelling us to diminish the quantity of labor which in the vulgar course we actually employ.

I was dressed as if I were on the Boulevards at Paris. If I were to try the same joke at Paris, the sergents-de-ville would very properly think it their duty to walk me off to the nearest police-station. The Pontifical Government encourages mendicity by the protection of its agents, and recommends it by the example of its friars. The Pontifical Government does its duty.

Of course, Skinner, Matt will get busy right away, looking for the right skipper to relieve Captain Curtis and about that time the president emeritus will shove in his oar and ball things up. Every doggoned skipper Matt recommends for the job is going to have his application vetoed by Alden P. Ricks, and er ahem! Harumph-h-h!" "Yes, Mr. Ricks." "And you stick by me, Skinner.