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"Do with 'em?" repeated the veteran, apparently quite undismayed by the prospect before him. "Waal, I reckon we've got to be eyes an' backs an' lungs to 'em, for they've run mighty short of them conveniences.

And there's the fetching and carrying, as 'ud be welly half a day's work for a man an' hoss that's to be took out o' the profits, I reckon? But there's folks 'ud hold a sieve under the pump and expect to carry away the water." "That difficulty about the fetching and carrying you will not have, Mrs.

"I reckon ye kin if ye've got eyes." "Then please ask him to step out. Or shall I go in?" "Yer lookin' at Joe Shafto. If ye don't like the looks of me look t'other way!" she fairly flung at him. "You don't understand, Madam. We engaged Joe Shafto, a man, to guide us through the North Woods and "

We didn't say nothin' about him not really bein' a man, an' though I reckon 'at every feller there knew of it, the' wasn't a single one of 'em spoke of it so we didn't have no trouble at all. He lies on a little knoll about a mile to the north of the ranch house.

A sailor came running with a lantern, which lit up the narrow circle of the deck near the rail and part of the sea beyond. "Somebody gave a cry," said the captain, to those who began to gather. "Looks to me as if the rail gave way and let somebody overboard." "Tom Rover was on deck," came from old Jerry. "Do you reckon as how it was him?" "I don't know. It was somebody, that's certain.

Fair lived with his injy ink and his prickin' needles. Kept 'em in a belt he wore and had 'em on him when the Belle Burgoyne went down and I managed to drag him on to the reef, poor chap. "'Had your call, Red, I says to him when I got him up beside me. 'I reckon you're struck for death, old man. 'I know it, says he to me.

But perhaps there are some that neglect this way of pleasure and rest satisfied in the enjoyment of their friends, calling friendship the most desirable of all things, more necessary than either air, fire, or water; so delectable that he that shall take it out of the world had as good put out the sun; and, lastly, so commendable, if yet that make anything to the matter, that neither the philosophers themselves doubted to reckon it among their chiefest good.

He had helped in resisting the attack in front, when, glancing to the right, he saw the monster dwarf approaching, knocking the people about with his long and powerful arms. Larkin put himself in his way, and as he got nearer said: "Are you monkey, man, or devil, or the three combined? Whoever you are, you must reckon with me."

When a parson tries to tell me why God created this universe, it don't sound reasonable; but when I go out an' look at the stars an' the mountains an' the big sweep o' the plains an' then try to round up all that astronomer feller said about things, why, I just know 'at nobody but God could 'a' done it an' I reckon it's that way with a child.

The man farthest away took his hands from the pockets of his pants and put them in those of his coat. "I reckon you can get Major Bresee's horse and buggy if he ain't using 'em. The horse ain't much, but it moves along. Want me to see if I can get him for you?" "I would be very much obliged." Selwyn turned to me.