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The old Commander watched her across the glimmering waters. "Means havin it," he said with a grunt half of admiration, half of satisfaction. "Ah, that's Diamond, sir!" answered the other. "God A'mighty couldn't stop him once he's set." The old Commander measured the lessening distance between him and his prey. "I shall keep as I go," he said deliberately. "Reck'n he'll do the same.

She don't seem like that kind, but I recognized her as soon as I got her face in the light. She was at the Gaiety in Independence, the last time I was there. Hawley knew her too, and called her by name." Neb rubbed his eyes, and slapped his pony's flank, unable to answer, yet still unconvinced. "I reck'n both ob yer might be mistook," he insisted doggedly.

Thur's witnesses o' both sides yur own beauties down yander; an' some hyur o' a better sort, I reck'n. Afore them, I call on ye to declar that yur proofs wur false, an' that I'm innocent o' the crime o' murder!" There was a profound silence when the speaker finished. The strange and unexpected nature of the demand, held every one in breathless surprise.

As we hove in sight, a fat woman, whose gunny-sack apron was her chief attire, hurried up the gang-plank and disappeared within. "Hello, the boat!" one of us hailed. The woman's fuzzy head appeared at the window. "What creek is this?" "Gunpowder, I reck'n!" in a deep, man-like voice. "How far below is Big Bone?" "Jist a piece!" "How many miles?" "Two, I reck'n."

Every night the big platter was heaped up an' runnin' over with everything under the sun, an' she was like another girl. I s'pose the things give her strength, but I reck'n the cheer helped most. She had the surprise to look forward to all day, an' there was plenty o' light, evenin's; an' the stove, that was drove red-hot.

At last the Black Killer had visited Kenmuir. "I guessed as much," said the Master, standing over the mangled body. "Well, it's the worst night's work ever the Killer done. I reck'n Th' Owd Un come on him while he was at it; and then they fought. And, ma word! it munn ha' bin a fight too."

He might a left the old thing to some o' his neighbours, for all he war worth; but it wudn't a been Hick Holt to a did it. He wan't partickler friendly wi' any o' us, an' least o' all wi' myself tho' I niver knew the adzact reezun o't, 'ceptin' that I beat him once shootin', at a barbecue. He war mighty proud a' his shootin', an' that riled him, I reck'n: he's been ugly wi' me iver since."

"Does I know de mockin'bird, I reck'n so 'bout de fust t'ing I did know, 'cept how ter suck sugar-cane. Sugar-cane am good eatin' long in de 'arly fall, but de Mocker ain't doin' much singin' dese yer times, least not 'less he's in a cage in a good sunshiny place. He am a kind ob a peart gray bird, darker in some places, lighter in oders, and clean as a parson.

Many a time had he seen his father in such case before, and now he muttered contemptuously: "Drunk; the leetle swab! Sleepin' it off, I reck'n." Then he saw his mistake. The hand that hung above the floor twitched and was still again. There was a clammy silence. A mouse, emboldened by the quiet, scuttled across the hearth. One mighty paw lightly moved; a lightning tap, and the tiny beast lay dead.

She was also inclined to indulge the cynical thought that it might save Miss Lou, Scoville, Chunk indeed, all in whom she was interested further trouble if, as she phrased it, "Dat ar young cap'n gib Mad Whately he way onst too of'un. He des natchelly bawn ter mek folks trouble en I reck'n we git on wid he spook bettah ner hesef."