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Court balls, receptions, gala performances at opera and theatre, and military reviews followed each other in bewildering but well-ordered confusion, and Morse, as a man of worldwide celebrity, took part in all of them. He and his wife and his young daughter, a girl of sixteen, were presented at court, and were fêted everywhere.

But Miss Maud was much absorbed in her own affairs, for she belonged to a "set" also; and these mites of five and six had their "musicals," their parties, receptions, and promenades, as well as their elders; and, the chief idea of their little lives seemed to be to ape the fashionable follies they should have been too innocent to understand.

We must give receptions; we must prove to France that the court of a consul can be as splendid as that of a king. You understand what pomp is none better than you! Now show yourself brilliant, magnificent, so that the other ladies may imitate you. But, no foreign stuffs! Silk and velvet from the fabrics of Lyons!"

Those in the other category might possibly keep aloof. For my part I feared her patronage. I remember when I was about seventeen a self-conscious hobbledehoy Mr. Ellice took me to one of her large receptions. She received her guests from a sort of elevated dais. When I came up very shy to make my salute, she asked me how old I was. 'Seventeen, was the answer.

But then there is never any pleasure, never any amusement here." "What! is one bored then?" "Bored to death. This grand house is worse than a tomb. No receptions, no dinners nothing. Would you believe it, I have never seen the reception-rooms! They are always closed; and the furniture is dropping to pieces under its coverings. There are not three visitors in the course of a month."

Gugenheim, Furenberg, Caraiscaki, Maurice Trott all wives of millionaires celebrated on the markets of Tunis gave up their prejudices and begged to be invited to the former slave's receptions. Mme.

And if a father entertains for his daughters, he being a widower, his name appears alone for her wedding; but if his eldest daughter presides over his household, his and her name appear together for dinners, receptions, and "at homes." Many widowed fathers, however, omit the names of their daughters on the invitation.

"The one in all the readers and cram-books and anthologies?" "Is." corrected Joy. "He's quite alive. Yes, that's Grandfather and this is one of my dresses for his receptions," she added as an afterthought. "Good gracious!" breathed Tiddy reverently. They were at the canned peaches and pound-cake by this time. "I I suppose you couldn't say any of his things?" he ended diffidently.

And in addition to these evening affairs, she appeared beside Jerry Fiske at every football game, at the first Glee Club Concert, at the outdoor play given by the Literary Societies, and very frequently at the weekly receptions to the students tendered by the ladies of the faculty.

The gentlemen who " "Do they drink wine?" "Yes, Monsieur; their houses are kept up in the highest style; I may say, in prophetic style. Superb salons, large receptions, the apex of social life " "Well," remarked the lunatic, "the workmen who pull things down want wine as much as those who put things up."