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Then the benefits are manifest; for while he who gives becomes never the poorer for his benevolence, the receiver is made rich indeed.

I had just settled down for a comfortable evening over the fire in a saddle-bag chair drawn up as close to the hearth as the fender would allow, with a plentiful supply of literature and whisky, and pipe and tobacco, when the telephone bell rang loudly and insistently. With a sigh I rose and took up the receiver. "That you?" said a voice I recognised as that of Jack Bridges.

For six years he had been looking forward to and working for that moment the final test of all his effort and the beginning of a new triumph. He sat waiting to hear three small sounds, the br-br-br of the Morse code "S," humming on the diaphragm of his receiver the signature of the ether waves that had travelled two thousand miles to his listening ear.

Tom made other connections, and then looked at the sending plate of his instrument, there being both a sending and receiving plate in each booth, just as there was a receiver and a transmitter to the telephone. "Hurray! I see you, Tom!" cried Ned, over the wire. "Say, this is great!" "It isn't as good as I want it," went on Tom. "But it proves that I'm right.

"Say, what are you giving me? Has Pete made a deal on his own?... Pearls instead of papers?" "Hold the line again for a jiffy, and I'll go through his togs." "All right. Look sharp." Clo let the receiver hang loose, and for the third time went down on her knees before the chest of drawers. Thrusting her arm underneath, she passed her hand over the dirty carpet.

Hello! That you, Gus? This is Dave Carey. Say, Gus, I want an auto to hold five of us besides your driver. What say? Yes, right away. Well, hunt him up. Get here by eight sure. At the station, yes. All right." The Chief returned the receiver and leaned back. "I guess," he said, "you boys had better show us where that place is and we'll have a look at it.

For a moment they made a point of ignoring the larger matter. "Say," Breede suddenly exploded, "I wish you'd tell me just how many kinds of a no matter! Where was I? This reserve fund may be subject to draft f'r repairs an' betterment durin' 'suin' quarter or 'ntil such time as " The telephone again rang its alarm. Breede took the receiver and allowed dismay to be read on his face as he listened.

"The nurse is here with my medicine." "Then close your eyes and swallow it quickly. I 'll telephone you later and inquire how it tasted." "Thank you. Good bye." "Good bye." He hung up the receiver and settled down to the grim task of counting the passing minutes which were draining his life as though each minute were a drop of blood let from an artery.

"I'm awf'ly sorry, Clary," she pleaded. "We ought not to have come so far. Please tell our friends I've been delayed, and I won't do it again." Bromfield hung up the receiver in a cold fury. He restrained himself for the moment, made the necessary explanations, and went through with the tea somehow. But as soon as his guests were gone he gave himself up to his anger.

He had been Wilhelm's teacher too, but the musician's father, the Receiver- General, would have nothing to do with the witty abbe; for he was said to have left his beloved France on account of some questionable transactions, and Herr Cornelius scented in him a Spanish spy.