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As a matter of fact there is little sign that he initiated prosecutions indeed he received a fairly strong hint from the Queen and Council that he was less active than he might have been; he certainly tried hard to persuade the accused to recant and escape condemnation; in several cases where he had hopes he deferred handing them over to the secular arm.

I have said that I must pass over Rio without a description; but just now such a flood of scented reminiscences steals over me, that I must needs yield and recant, as I inhale that musky air. More than one hundred and fifty miles' circuit of living green hills embosoms a translucent expanse, so gemmed in by sierras of grass, that among the Indian tribes the place was known as "The Hidden Water."

And even when he has a desperate thing to say, in the moment of absolute revolt such a thing as "I can't like you, mother," which anon he will recant with convulsions of distress he has to "speak the thing he will," and when he recants it is not for fear. By no effort can his elders altogether succeed in keeping tragedy out of the life that is so unready for it.

At last the choler of that sharp weapon of persecution began to rise, and he said to him sternly, "If you will not recant I will pronounce sentence against you." "I know," replied Master Mill, with an apostolic constancy and fortitude, "I know that I must die once, and therefore, as Christ said to Judas, What thou doest do quickly.

Six several times was he induced to recant the doctrines he had preached, and profess an allegiance which could only be a solemn mockery. True, Cranmer came to himself; he perceived that he was mocked, and felt both grief and shame in view of his apostasy. His last hours were glorious. Never did a good man more splendidly redeem his memory from shame.

He is simply told that he has brought upon himself strong suspicions of heresy, since he has said that there are other worlds than ours. He is asked if he will recant and abjure his error. He cannot and will not deny what he knows to be true, and perhaps for he had often done so before he tells his judges that they, too, in their hearts are of the same belief.

Or if it did occur to me I put the idea sternly from me, for I was by way of being a robust trencherman. I had joyed in the pleasures of the table, and I had written copiously of those joys, and I now declined to recant of my faith or to abate my indulgences. All this talk which I had heard about balanced rations went in at one ear and out at the other. I knew what a balanced ration was.

On a table of immense size lay the budget, piles of the Chamber records, open volumes of the "Moniteur," with passages carefully marked, to throw at the head of a Minister his forgotten words and force him to recant them, under the jeering plaudits of a foolish crowd incapable of perceiving how circumstances alter cases.

It was the same light that fell on the German monk's face when before the Emperor at Worms he said: "I cannot and will not recant!" and then boldly fronted death. Conscience shining through made Luther's face luminous, as it had made the face of Moses before him!

The first taste of martyrdom was bitter in his mouth, and he regretted that he had not answered the Franciscan's challenge. The prophet was put on trial on a charge of heresy and sedition. He was tortured so cruelly that he was led to recant and to "confess," as his judges said. They had already come to a decision that he was guilty.