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Nobody rebuked unprincipled news-writers more strongly than Defoe, and no news-writer was half as copious in his guarantees for the accuracy of his information. When a report reached England that the island of St.

Pinhorn which had been so promptly rebuked by his friend John Adams on the ride to Philadelphia. The young man made a copy of one of the tables and was saying good night to his venerable friend when the latter remarked: "I shall go to Sir John Pringle's in the morning for advice. He is a noted physician. My man will be having a day off. Could you go with me at ten?" "Gladly," said Jack.

I will entertain no project to escape which does not include these gentlemen here with me." Rupert ground his teeth, cursing me beneath his breath for a fool. But Mr. Holwell promptly rebuked me. "You are not to act like that, Ford," he said.

He let her go directly he felt the surprise in her body. "Marry you!" she said. "It could not be anything else," he said, very simply. "Could it?" She flushed as if he had punished her by his respect for her. "But but we scarcely know each other!" she stammered. "You say that now!" Again she felt rebuked, as if she were lighter than he and as if he were surprised by her lightness.

He rebuked the impatient spirits who, weary of their compulsory idleness, had shown symptoms of ill-timed ferocity, and those eight hundred mad Zealanders, so frantic in their hatred to the foreigners, who had so long profaned their land, were as docile as children to the Prince.

For had he not with malice prepense put down the "most glorious of Christian enterprises," and rebuked his own country in the house of strangers as recreant to freedom? Had he not caught up and echoed back the hissing thunder of the great Irish orator: "Shame on the American Slaveholders!

It is to the credit of the Fathers of the church that they boldly and earnestly rebuked the vices of the monks and tried to purge the monastic system of its impurities. But the church sanctioned the monastic movement. She could not have done anything else.

His mistress kept him to the discourse, for the comfort of hearing hard bald matter-of-fact; and she was amused and rebuked by his assumption that she must be entertaining an anxiety about master's favourite mare. But, ah! that Diana had delayed in choosing a mate; had avoided her disastrous union with perhaps a more imposing man, to see the true beauty of masculine character in Mr.

His ambition was to stand high among men of his own class to be known as a statesman of power in the realm. But, in all this Rachael knew that she was a drawback and a heavy weight upon his aspirations. Was it that she was less bright or beautiful? No, no. Her mirror contradicted the one doubt, and the power which she felt in her own genius rebuked the other.

"You need not remind me of that," he said with muffled fierceness, staring down at his plate. "The danger line!" she thought while shaking her head at him, with the tense semblance of an amused little smile.... "You aren't the least bit English," she rebuked, "and I thought you were." "Not in that.... And some day England will see her folly."