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And when his spear was broken he set his hand to his sword, and smote on the right hand and on the left hand, that it was marvel to see. At every stroke he smote one down, or put him to rebuke, so that they would fight no more, but fled to a thick forest, and Sir Galahad followed them.

"And cursing, swearing, fighting, smoking!" "Oh, Wilbur!" exclaimed the shocked Winona; yet there was dismay more than rebuke in her tone, for she had brought the album to view. "If you've been a bad boy perhaps I should not accept this lovely gift from you. Remember we don't yet know how you obtained all this money." "Ho! I earned that money good! That old fat Mr. Whipple said I earned it good.

He laid the Arab's body gently down, and looked at her with a glance that, rightly or wrongly, she thought had a rebuke in it. "Very many. But it is never a pleasant sight. And they were in drink; they did not know what they did." "Pardieu! What divine pity! Good powder and ball were sore wasted, it seems; you would have preferred to lie there yourself, it appears.

"My dear," put in Julia Cloud, "it can't help being very expensive " "Now, Cloudy, remember!" said Leslie, holding up her finger in mock rebuke. "Just wait and see! And, anyhow, you don't know Guardy Lud. If he could see us located in a peach of a home like this, he'd go back to his growley old dear of a wife with happy tears rolling down his nice old cheeks.

Then, of a sudden he laughed. "You picked the right business, all right, all right!" he said, with a certain enthusiasm. He laughed aloud until his eyes were only slits, and his ample paunch trembled vehemently. "Well," he went on, at last, "I certainly have to hand it to you, kid. You're a beaut'!" Aggie sniffed vehemently in rebuke of the gross partiality of fate in his behalf.

Viotti, the Connecting Link between the Early and Modern Violin Schools. His Immense Superiority over his Contemporaries and Predecessors. Other Violinists of his Time, Giornowick and Boccherini. Viotti's Early Years His Arrival in Paris, and the Sensation he made His Reception by the Court. Viotti's Personal Pride and Dignity. His Rebuke to Princely Impertinence. The Musical Circles of Paris.

Chagrined at the loss of his funds, and stung to the quick by a rebuke which his arrogance had merited, he resorted to a high-handed measure. He issued a proclamation commanding the personal arrest of every Englishman within the territory of the Netherlands, and the seizure of every article of property which could be found belonging to individuals of that nation.

He had little now to say in the way of consolation, and that little was coupled with so much that was unjust to the maiden, as to call forth, at length, the rebuke of Colleton. "Forbear on this subject, my good sir she did what she could, and what she might have said would not have served me much. It was well she said no more.

For, quickly after the War of the Rebellion closed, as has been already mentioned the defeated Rebel leaders, casting in their lot with their Democratic friends and allies, openly and without special rebuke, prevailed upon the National Democracy to adopt the Rebel Free-Trade Shibboleth of "a Tariff for revenue;" and that same Democracy, obtaining power and place, through violence and fraud and falsehood at the so-called "elections" in the Solid Southern States, now threatens the Country once more with iniquitous Free-Trade legislation, and all its attendant train of commercial disasters and general industrial ruin.

He talked of gaol, and sending you out of the country for ever, and inflicting a heavy fine; but that stage has passed, so come with me." When they were ushered into the Admiral's presence he frowned severely at them. Russian officers and high officials always expect you to tremble when they administer a rebuke. Needless to say, the reception was harsh.