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The Shanghae letter continued to be the topic of remark for some time. It was finally concluded that they should say nothing to Clinton about it. To tell the truth, Jerry felt a little mortified at the deserved rebuke he had received, and he thought the easiest way to get over it would be, to pretend that the letter had never reached its destination.

The Duke of Savoy made use of this last occasion in which he appeared in public as Regent, violently to rebuke the estates for the indignity thus offered to their sovereign.

"You said you'd see to them," returned Jock. "Yes, I shall take up insects when I have done with plants," said Bobus, coolly. "And say, 'Solomon, I have surpassed thee'?" asked Mr. Ogilvie. Bobus looked as if he did not like it; but his mother shook her head at him as one who well deserved the little rebuke for self- sufficiency.

She might warn him, she might rebuke him, she might reassure him, she might if it were impossible not to absolutely make love to him; even this was open to her, as a matter simply between them, if it would help her to answer for the impeccability he had guaranteed.

He had never hitherto believed that she had been false to her vow, and had sinned against him irredeemably; but he had thought that in her regard for another man she had slighted him; and, so thinking, he had subjected her to a severity of rebuke which no high-spirited woman could have borne. His wife had not tried to bear it, in her indignation had not striven to cure the evil.

He found a wild-eyed haggard woman in a half-dismantled apartment, whom, for the first time, he could not affect by any of those arts of persuasion or rebuke, in which his long experience as a guide of souls had trained him.

Brasspot?... told him he'd do well to keep his Tory cheek out of sight. It 's the names of those fellows bother one so! All the rest's easy. 'You are evidently in a state of confusion, Lord Palmet, said Cecilia. The tone of rebuke and admonishment was unperceived. 'Not about the facts, he rejoined. 'I 'm for fair play all round; no trickery.

"You have been very good to me," he murmured, in excuse for his presumption. And what could she say in rebuke that would not be churlish and ungracious? At last, he was allowed to see Mr. Barnby, the manager at the bank, who came with a sheaf of letters and arrears of documents needing signature.

The Aequans, however, did not withstand the attack of the Roman troops, and when, having been defeated, they had retired to their own territories, the savage multitude, with feelings not at all more disposed to peace, began to rebuke their leaders: that their fortunes had been intrusted to the hazard of a pitched battle, in which mode of fighting the Romans were superior.

But my words fell short in a cloud of dust, and even Dicky, wrapped in his tragedy, failed to receive an impression from them. "How," he demanded passionately, "do you account for it?" "Account for what?" I shuffled. "The size of her head the frost the whole bally conversation!" propounded Dicky, with tears in his eyes. I have really a great deal of feeling, and I did not rebuke these terms.