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"Another rebel is travelling over it now, for I am sure that is what my parents and others think I am." "A rebel in a worthy cause, dear," Mrs. Hampton comforted. "It matters very little what people call you when you feel that you have done right." "And wouldn't you do the same if you were in my place?" Jess asked. "Wouldn't you rebel against marrying a man you despised and hated?"

To get there before Gray does to get all there is in it for the first rebel that lays down his arms; not to come in late when submission is stale and cheap. Don't worry about terms, you poor little babe in the woods. Don't " His own words seemed to choke him. "Don't you think " I began a bit unsteadily. "I think oh, what a fool I've been!" That stiffened me.

Stevens, speaking in support of the Military Reconstruction Bill, said: "There are several good reasons for the passage of this bill. In the first place, it is just. I am now confining my argument to Negro suffrage in the rebel states. Have not loyal blacks quite as good a right to choose rulers and make laws as rebel whites?

If thou shalt still object, thou yet art vile, And hast a heart that will not reconcile Unto the holy law, but will rebel, Hark yet to what I shall thee farther tell. Two things are yet behind that help thee will, If God should put into thy mind that skill, So to improve them as becometh those That would with mercy and forgiveness close.

Virgie watched him, trembling, growing hot in the pit of her little stomach; yet, when he faced her, she looked him squarely in the eye, fighting one last battle for her daddy as hopeless as the tottering cause of the Stars and Bars. "You you don't think he can fly, do you?" "No, little Rebel," the soldier answered gently, sadly; "but there are other ways."

"Grimsby, why stand you there?" demanded Heselrigge: "follow me." "Never," returned the soldier. "What!" exclaimed the governor, momentarily forgetting his panic, "dare you speak thus to your commander? March on before me this instant, or expect to be treated as a rebel."

That considerable obscurity should always rest upon the facts connected with Edward's meditated crime, that they should never be published amongst the grievances of the haughty rebel is natural from the very dignity of the parties, and the character of the offence; that in such obscurity sober History should not venture too far on the hypothesis suggested by the chronicler, is right and laudable.

Fry and Hodges advanced upon Mr. Eden, but before they could get at him the huge body of Evans interposed itself. The man was pale but doggedly resolved. "Mustn't lay a finger on his reverence," said he, almost in a whisper, but between his clinched teeth and with the look of a bulldog over a bone. "What, do you rebel against me, Evans?"

That duty done, I come unscathed from the sword of the Christian to bare my neck to the bowstring of my friend. Alone, untracked, unsuspected, I have entered thy palace to prove to the sovereign of Granada, that the defendant of his throne is not a rebel to his will. Now summon the guards I have done."

"If he be a rebel and a spy, why, in God's name, should he carry your Lordship's letters to any but some rag-tag colonel of his own kidney?" My Lord laughed again. "Truly, Major, you should go to a dame's school and learn diplomacy.