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"In either case one can class it as reassuring." Mrs. Munt sighed. She was going back to Swanage on the morrow, just as her nieces were wanting her most. Other regrets crowded upon her: for instance, how magnificently she would have cut Charles if she had met him face to face. She had already seen him, giving an order to the porter and very common he looked in a tall hat.

Here's the doctor, so put the whole thing by for the present. I ask nothing till you are well." If this was policy on his part it was successful; for the poor tortured mother's heart was touched and her nerves soothed by his voice, as well as by the touch of his hand, and when they left the house she was in peaceful sleep, and the doctor's report was reassuring.

"There!" with sudden spirit, "the very thing I've been wanting!" It was of no importance that they both knew this to be a prevarication about which St. Peter would not trouble his hoary head nor take the pains to indite in his great book of demerits. But all through that bright day the girl thought, and there were times when the others had to speak to her twice; not at all a reassuring sign.

Devar's jarred nerves, and the appearance of the Mercury was even more reassuring. "Ah, well," she said, "we are not traveling into the wilds. If desirable, we can always return to town by train. By the way, chauffeur, what is your name?" For an instant Medenham hesitated.

There was no exchange of brilliant ideas between them; but he had a way of being comforting and social when he wished. He advised her about her business affairs in so intelligent a way that even her relatives approved of it. She came to like him, because he was so considerate, quiet, reassuring, and so ready to explain over and over until everything was quite plain to her.

Did you not bring a middle-aged lady here?" This question, this promise of five francs, instead of reassuring the coachman, increased his alarm. "I have already told you I am waiting for someone," he said, "and, if you don't go away and leave me alone, I will call for help." M. Verduret drew back quickly.

"The father is at matins at this moment, but he will soon be back," and, opening a door, the old man led me through a neat hall and corridor, all lined with clean matting, to a cell. "Please to wait here," he added, and then, with a kind, reassuring glance, departed. The little room in which I found myself was of the smallest possible dimensions, but extremely neat and clean.

"But I certainly am going to break training this noon. I am simply starved." Her tone and words were reassuring, although I still felt there was something behind her light manner which intimately concerned me.

During the following days a large number of birds, such as gannets, sea-swallows, and tropic-birds, flew around the caravels. Columbus turned their presence to account as a means of reassuring his companions, who were beginning to be terribly frightened at not meeting with land after six weeks of sailing.

The spectacle of half a dozen strange men invading a house in the midnight hour armed with big pistols which they shot off recklessly was hardly reassuring, however sugary our speech, and it was not to be wondered at if the tenants bolted through windows and down fire-escapes wherever we went.