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But he understood enough to convince him that he was at last on the track of the missing ladies; and when, shortly afterwards, Hossain gave him in Urdu the whole of the story, he determined at once to act on the information. Then, Hossain having reassured the fugitive, he himself landed and made his way up to the house. It was closed. There was no sign of its being inhabited. He sauntered up.

Shall we not treat it as such, and make the best of it?" He was looking her straight in the face as he said it, but, steady as was his gaze, she was not reassured. Quick as lightning came the thought it was almost like an inner voice warning her that he must not suspect the fact. Whatever happened she must veil her uneasiness, which she feared had been already far too obvious.

Bonaventure and many others, in their paraphrases of the Gospel history, have mixed up traditional details with those given in the sacred text, even these examples have not wholly reassured him. St. Bonaventure professed only to give a paraphrase, whereas these revelations appear to be something more.

The canon covered his face with his hands. "Alas!" cried he, "what will be said of us who counselled our prince to come hither?" The emperor again reassured him. "Do not annoy yourself, canon," said he; "neither you nor the others have any cause to afflict yourselves. You could not divine my intentions, for nobody was acquainted with them. Go and find your prince."

The professor, thus graciously reassured, set forth his errand. "I have come to you, Highly Exalted, to inquire your exalted views on the subject of Lycanthropy. Your Exaltedness knows " "Yes, yes," broke in MWAW, "old Teutonic legend. Men become wolves. Strongest and fiercest breed. Eat people up. Frighten everybody. Ravage countryside. Beautiful myth! Teaches power is greatest thing.

"If you have nothing to reproach yourselves with against God or the king," said Sabre-tout in a full sonorous voice, "descend without fear. We are not brigands, we are Christians and royalists." This declaration no doubt reassured the travellers, for a man got out, then two women, then a mother pressing her child in her arms, and finally another man.

She shrank from him with a start till a glance in his face reassured her, and she answered, with an expressive gesture, "Yes, Señor; I have had nothing to eat to-day, and but little yesterday." "This is no fit place; come with me," Mr. Britton replied, leading the way two or three blocks down the street, to a first-class restaurant.

And at length his voice reassured her; she thrust her velvet nostrils into the tub. Then he seated himself upon a foundation timber of the tank and rolled a cigarette. His toilet could wait. He wasn't going to ride into Reservoir and advertise his straits, not to a lot of half-breeds and Mexicans and worse. He could wait; years and years of time were before him.

If Philip once cherished fancies that troubled your peace, you know that my departure sufficed to cure him of them; and should these foolish fancies revive, my departure will again suffice to dispel them and to restore to you the heart to which you, and you alone, have an inalienable claim." These words reassured Antoinette.

Monsieur Grieve he feared had mistaken the homage rendered by himself and his friends to his sister's beauty for an act of disrespect let him be reassured! Such beauty was its own defence. No doubt monsieur did not understand artistic usage. He, Montjoie, made allowance for the fact, otherwise the young man's behaviour towards himself and his friends would have required explanation.