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And Terence Reardon laughed the short, mirthless chuckle of the man who knows. "Then," Matt continued, "the money should be spent " "In retubing her condensers," declared the engineer emphatically. "Do that an' do a good job on her, an' she'll have shteam enough for thim fine big ingines av hers on thirty-two ton a day, an' less. An' have a care would ye buy her until she ships a new crank shaft.

No time was lost in getting out of the mouth of the river, and as soon as the bustle and excitement of the start was over, we three were sent for to the cabin to relate our adventures to the captain, the first lieutenant being present to put in a word now and then. "The brutes!" the captain kept on muttering from time to time, and Mr Reardon nodded and tightened his lips.

When they had had their preliminary tumbles, and were proficient in the sport, they started off one day and went along up stream; tried the steep banks that led down on to that, and found it more exciting than tobogganning. Tim Reardon used his skis to get up above the dams, where the spring-holes in the stream were.

The reason, as soon as Reardon sought for it, was obvious. Biffen had no ordinary coat beneath the other. To have referred to this fact would have been indelicate; the novelist of course understood it, and smiled, but with no mirth. 'Let me have your Sophocles, were the visitor's next words. Reardon offered him a volume of the Oxford Pocket Classics. 'I prefer the Wunder, please.

Tim Reardon, smudgy-faced, but wearing an expression of deep satisfaction, paused for a moment before a gate where stood a boy somewhat younger than himself, who eyed the cannon admiringly. "Hello, Willie," said Tim. "Comin' out, ain't yer?" The boy shook his head, disconsolately. "What's the matter?" "Can't," said the boy. "Father won't let me." Tim looked at him pityingly.

Mrs Reardon died when Edwin had reached his fifteenth year. In breeding and education she was superior to her husband, to whom, moreover, she had brought something between four and five hundred pounds; her temper was passionate in both senses of the word, and the marriage could hardly be called a happy one, though it was never disturbed by serious discord.

Having finished his breakfast, he leaned back and began to unfold the London paper that had come by post. 'Had Mr Reardon any hopes of that kind at the time of his marriage, do you think? inquired Mrs Milvain. 'Reardon? Good heavens, no! Would he were capable of such forethought! In a few minutes Jasper was left alone in the room.

Reardon had organised the care of that being who was himself. He had provided richly for his future, wiped out his past where it threatened to gall him, and was giving due consideration to his present. He meant supremely to be safe, and to that end he had entrenched himself on every side. Jeff felt a very disorganised, haphazard sort of being indeed before so complete a creature.

A Knight Templar himself, Terence Reardon was the last person on earth in whom he expected to find a brother Mason. He glanced at Mike Murphy and saw that the skipper was looking, not at Mr. Reardon, but at the Masonic emblem. "Sit down, chief," Cappy hastened to interrupt. "Have a chair, captain. Mr.

They needn't run to more than about two hundred and seventy pages, and those well spaced out. 'This is refreshing. This is practical. But look now: let it be something rather sensational. Couldn't we invent a good title something to catch eye and ear? The title would suggest the story, you know. Reardon laughed contemptuously, but the scorn was directed rather against himself than Milvain.