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When it was opened, they discovered the enemy drawn up three deep; Adams in the front, and Fanny in the rear.

In the afternoon a body of about one hundred German cavalry were advanced, and drawn up in the Place Louis XV, and about two hundred Swiss posted at a little distance in their rear. This drew people to the spot, who thus accidentally found themselves in front of the troops, merely at first as spectators; but, as their numbers increased, their indignation rose.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the force paraded and moved off in columns of companies. The Heavy Camel Corps led, the Guards followed, the baggage and stores were in the centre, and the Mounted Infantry in the rear.

Were I commander tomorrow I should, before advancing to the attack, send a great number round on either side to make their way through the woods, and so to attack on both flanks, and to pour down the valley in their rear, at the same time that the main body attacked in the front.

With little gravity on the asteroid, he couldn’t fall, but a false step could lift him into space and make him lose time while he got out an air bottle to propel him down again. The thought gave him an idea. Without slowing he took two bottles from his belt, turned them so the openings were to his rear, and squeezed the release valves. The Connie was gaining speed, blasting straight toward him.

The whole room was in indescribable confusion. Somebody turned up the light. For an instant Nick, grappling with the spirit, saw Colonel Richmond. The colonel had not been given a private seance. Possibly he had not desired it. He had come with a dozen other victims of the same delusion. He had been given a seat a little in the rear.

They walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door of one of the two rear apartments. "Come!" said a female voice. Morris opened the door and they entered. "We've come for the rent," he said. "Him and me is the new landlords." The tenant excused herself while she retired to one of the inner rooms and explored her person for the money. Then she handed Morris ten greasy one-dollar bills.

This ravine lay, of course, directly ahead of us as we entered; and its smooth, lawn-like surface, swelling gradually upwards towards the mountain in the rear and the plateaus on each side, formed a truly lovely picture under any circumstances, and especially to us who had, within the last hour, been battling with a stormy sea.

"To make one's way across the open country between this and Ciudad would be easy enough; while it would be dangerous in the extreme to enter the passes, while the French troops are pressing through them on Wellington's rear.

A little in the rear walked Gabriel, paying special attention to the prettiest and merriest girl of the company, who was a great favourite with Sir Miles, perhaps for those reasons. "What a delightful old gentleman!" said the young lady. "How I envy Miss Clavering such an uncle!"