United States or Micronesia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In height, colour of hair, shape of nose, build and manners each of them tallied with it. They were fair types of jovial, ready-witted, broad-gauged Americans who had gravitated together for companionship in an alien land. "Hello, Bridger" they called in unison at sight Of the consul. "Come and have dinner with us!"

He had that large air of ease and tranquillity which is born of association, and which represents one of the prime elements of the curious quality we call personal magnetism. He was ready-witted, and full of the spirit of adventure.

In this dilemma, the happy thought struck Mr McCarthy of fashioning a pair of "unmentionables" out of penguin skins; and he had no sooner "hatched the idea" than he carried it into practical effect by instructing Ben Boltrope, who was by a long way the smartest and most ready-witted of the men, to make him the trousers.

Our wise friend answered at once: 'My opinion is that you have not attained to the greatness of your father; for, added he in a pacifying tone, 'one thing is wanting to you a son such as Cyrus bequeathed us in yourself." "First-rate, first-rate," cried Rhodopis clapping her hands and laughing. "An answer that would have done honor to the ready-witted Odysseus himself.

But Varney was as bold-faced and ready-witted as he was cunning and unscrupulous a skilful pilot in extremity, and fully conscious of the advantages which he would obtain could he extricate Leicester from his present peril, and of the ruin that yawned for himself should he fail in doing so.

She made a struggle, and refused to give up. She grew shadowy and fair; but it was under protest, and she battled against the change she felt creeping upon her so slowly but so surely. She showed a brave face to people, and tried to be as bright and ready-witted as ever; and if she failed it was not her own fault.

The commodore aft, however, had seen our peril, even before the lookout- man spoke; and almost at the same instant that his words of warning reached our ears the while the hands on deck stared with horror at the surging ship, nearing us now closer and closer as we looked at her the gallant, ready-witted sailor had taken effective measures to avoid the imminent danger threatening us.

True, less time may do here, and true also that there are more openings; but it may be questioned whether good, safe, ready-witted men will not fetch nearly as high a price in England as in any part of the world. So that if a young and friendless lad lands here and makes his way and does well, the chances are that he would have done well also had he remained at home.

There was the lost and hardened female, uttering the wild screams of intoxication, or pouring forth from her dark, filthy place of confinement torrents of polluted mirth; the juvenile pickpocket, ripe in all the ribald wit and traditional slang of his profession; the ruffian burglar, with strong animal frame, dark eyebrows, low forehead, and face full of coarseness and brutality; the open robber, reckless and jocular, indifferent to consequences, and holding his life only in trust for the hangman, or for some determined opponent who may treat him to cold lead instead of pure gold; the sneaking thief, cool and cowardly, ready-witted at the extricating falsehood for it is well known that the thief and liar are convertible terms his eye feeble, cunning, and circumspective, and his whole appearance redolent of duplicity and fraud; the receiver of stolen goods, affecting much honest simplicity; the good creature, whether man or woman, apparently in great distress, and wondering that industrious and unsuspecting people, struggling to bring up their families in honesty and decency, should be imposed upon and taken in by people that one couldn't think of suspecting.

Our wise friend answered at once: 'My opinion is that you have not attained to the greatness of your father; for, added he in a pacifying tone, 'one thing is wanting to you a son such as Cyrus bequeathed us in yourself." "First-rate, first-rate," cried Rhodopis clapping her hands and laughing. "An answer that would have done honor to the ready-witted Odysseus himself.