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'But Maister Hareton nivir ate naught else, when he wer a little 'un; and what wer gooid enough for him's gooid enough for ye, I's rayther think! 'I sha'n't eat it! answered Linton, snappishly. 'Take it away. Joseph snatched up the food indignantly, and brought it to us. 'Is there aught ails th' victuals? he asked, thrusting the tray under Heathcliff's nose. 'What should ail them? he said.

But Tim had a suspicion that Louise was rayther sweet on a young storekeeper's clerk there; so, bein' an offhand sort o' critter, he went right up to the gal, and says to her, says he, `Come, Louise, it's o' no use humbuggin' with me any longer. If you like me, you like me; and if you don't like me, you don't. There's only two ways about it.

In his manners he was the very contrary of my master, who was a slim, ellygant man as ever I see he had very white hands, rayther a sallow face, with sharp dark ise, and small wiskus neatly trimmed and as black as Warren's jet he spoke very low and soft he seemed to be watchin the person with whom he was in convysation, and always flatterd everybody. As for Blewitt, he was quite of another sort.

'Vunce upon a time there wos a young hairdresser as opened a wery smart little shop vith four wax dummies in the winder, two gen'lmen and two ladies the gen'lmen vith blue dots for their beards, wery large viskers, oudacious heads of hair, uncommon clear eyes, and nostrils of amazin' pinkness; the ladies vith their heads o' one side, their right forefingers on their lips, and their forms deweloped beautiful, in vich last respect they had the adwantage over the gen'lmen, as wasn't allowed but wery little shoulder, and terminated rayther abrupt in fancy drapery.

Who's the better or the worse for what I tell? or knows anything about me? The other chap is dead shot in the bush, and his body reckonised at Sydney. If I thought anybody would split, do you think I wouldn't wring his neck? I've done as good before now, Strong I told you how I did for the overseer before I took leave but in fair fight, I mean in fair fight; or, rayther, he had the best of it.

'I'd rayther, by th' haulf, hev' 'em swearing i' my lugs fro'h morn to neeght, nor hearken ye hahsiver! said the tenant of the kitchen, in answer to an unheard speech of Nelly's. Oh! ye're a raight nowt; and shoo's another; and that poor lad 'll be lost atween ye. Poor lad! he added, with a groan; 'he's witched: I'm sartin on't.

Sniff looking as if she wanted somebody to hold her, and everbody else looking as if they'd rayther not. "Three times," said Our Missis, working herself into a truly terrimenjious state, "three times did I see these shameful things, only between the coast and Paris, and not counting either: at Hazebroucke, at Arras, at Amiens. But worse remains.

'It IS him! exclaimed Sam; and having established Job's identity beyond all doubt, he smote his leg, and vented his feelings in a long, shrill whistle. 'Things has altered with me, sir, said Job. 'I should think they had, exclaimed Mr. Weller, surveying his companion's rags with undisguised wonder. 'This is rayther a change for the worse, Mr.

She spread them out before her on the table, and said: "Sir to you which I speaks. You 'av been terrible crossed in love, and your 'art 'as been much panged. But you'll get over it and marry a light complected gale with rayther reddish 'air. Before some time you'll have a legercy fall down on to you, mostly in solick Jold. He wants to defraud you out of your 'onesty. Your 'art is right.

He ain't up to much now; but wait till he be moulted and he'll coom out foine! I've heard tell folks in furrin' parts vallies 'em greatly, though we in Guildford think nowt of they. I'd rayther a lark mysen, Master Bob." "Ah!" exclaimed Nellie, who had previously been shocked by Dick's lack of sentiment, much pleased now at this expression of a better taste "you do like their singing then!"