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But that don't make it no easier for Daniel Burton to keep his feelin's hid from his son, particularly when it's that son that's made him have the feelin's, partly. There ain't no doubt but that one of the things that's made Daniel Burton so fidgety an' uneasy, an' ready to jest fling hisself into that ravin' conflict over there is his unhappiness an' disappointment over Keith.

Thus M. Baillon, writing in 1834 to M. Ravin, says: "They begin to meet with fossil bones at the depth of 10 or 12 feet in the Menchecourt sand-pits, but they find a much greater quantity at the depth of 18 and 20 feet. Some of them were evidently broken before they were embedded, others are rounded, having, without doubt, been rolled by running water.

"Come with me, there's a good chap, and what's she like?" As they went on into the drawing-rooms Mr. Bry dropped out: "Some people say she's like Lady Holme." "Like Vi! Is she? Laycock's been simply ravin' simply ravin' and Laycock's not a feller to where is she? "We shall come to her. So there was no gee-gee to look at in the country to-night?" Lord Holme burst into a roar of laughter.

This usually made Barny groan aloud. "What ails you, Barny?" "Oh, thin, murdher alive, how little thruth's in this world! Your will's my pleassure! Baithirshin! but, sowl, if things goes an, it won't be long so!" "Why, Barny," the young man would exclaim, "is the ravin' fit comin' over you?" "No, in troth, Jim; but it's thinkin' of home I am.

In one respect, however, Assyria, it is to be feared, had made but little advance beyond the spirit of a comparatively barbarous time. The "lion" still "tore in pieces for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin."

Having watched from the seat of his chariot the brief but ceremonial entry of Number Three, which, on regular schedule, roared through Manzanita at top speed, he descended, captured the mail-bag and, as the transcontinental pulled out, accosted the station-agent. "What'd she stop for, Ban?" "Special orders." "Didn't say nothin' about havin' a ravin' may-ni-ac aboard, did theh?" "No."

"But I was tellin' Mrs. Kilfoyle to not be frettin', for sure God is good, and they'll be apt to keep her in it all's one." "Goodness may pity you, woman," said Mrs. M'Gurk. "Brian 'ud as lief take and bring home a she hyenna, and it ravin' mad, as anybody 'ud look crooked at his mother, I very well know." "Norah's a rael dacint little slip of a girl," Mrs.

"How-joo-know?" "Just heard that wounded fellow over there on the stretcher... they went out early this morning, and they've gone no sign, never came back at all " "'E warn't fit ter take charge... 'e was ill, you could see." "Nice thing ter do. The old man'll go ravin' mad." "It was a ravin' mad thing to put the poor feller in charge... "

Like a true vulture , Napoleon with an eye not less telescopic, and with a taste equally coarse in his ravin, could descend from the most dazzling heights to pounce on the leveret in the brake, or even on the field mouse amid the grass.

But to the soul, strangely something besides, so much more. These rolling shapes of cloud, so fantastically massed and moulded, moving in rhythmic change like painted music in the heaven, radiant with ineffable glories or monstrous with inconceivable doom. This sea of silver, "hushed and halcyon," or this sea of wrath and ravin, wild as Judgment Day.