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When we returned on board, Paul Truck told us that in days of yore a smuggler bold Jack Rattenbury by name took possession of the cavern, in which to store his goods after he had safely landed them from his lugger.

But I can give you ten minutes." "I am deeply obliged to your lordship," answered Mr. Pawle. "As your lordship will have seen from my card, I am one of the partners in Crawle, Pawle and Rattenbury a firm not at all unknown, I think. Allow me to introduce my friend Mr. Viner, a gentlemen who is deeply concerned and interested in the matter I want to mention to your lordship."

"The way she talked to the fishermen one minute snubbing them, and the next, talking to them as if she were a servant-girl. They didn't like it. Jim Rattenbury hated it, I know. She wasn't one of us and she wasn't one of them. A damned in-between, that's what she was. And Uncle Peter used to get drunk!... I'm awfully sorry, you chaps, I oughtn't to be boring you like this!"

The horses need training, you see, and we reckoned the trained ones had all died out. 'Horses? repeated Doctor Unonius. 'Then that accounts for the noise I heard 'Eh? queried Mr Rattenbury sharply. 'A sound of galloping, as it were. I opened the window to look, but could see nothing. Mrs Tresize caught her breath. 'Yes, yes, she put in, 'Doctor Unonius opened the window.

He had written a few pages of a new book that pleased him, and he was anxious to complete the story before he entered the Army. Writing irked him, but he could not abstain from writing ... some demon drove him to it, forcing him to his desk when all his desire was to be out in the lanes with Mary or sailing about the bay with Tom Yeo and Jim Rattenbury.

The guard blew his whistle and waved his flag and the train began to move out of the station. He stood at the window looking back at Mary standing on the platform, waving her hands to him, until he could see her no longer. "What are you looking at?" Ninian asked, taking down the basket of fish which Jim Rattenbury had given him and preparing to open it. "I'm looking at Mary," he answered.

The thought of it disturbed his sleep for weeks. In the end he decided to make a clean breast to Mr Rattenbury, as between man and man; and encountering him one afternoon on the Lealand road, drew up old Dapple and made sign that he wished to speak. It's about Mrs Tresize he began. 'You've heard, then? said Mr Rattenbury. 'Heard what? 'Why, that I'm going to marry her.

The Vicar was frightfully sick about it, and jawed Gilbert after the service, and the mater told Mary the truth about herself. I must say it was rather funny. I very nearly laughed myself. Do be a decent chap and come over soon. You'll just be in time for the mackerel fishing. Gilbert and Mary and I went out with Jim Rattenbury yesterday and caught dozens. Your affectionate friend, Ninian Graham.

Doctor Unonius could not overlook a falsehood, and from that hour his thoughts never rested upon the widow Tresize as a desirable woman to wed. But he had grave searchings of conscience on the part he had been made to play. Undoubtedly he had misled Mr Rattenbury, and all question of public honesty apart had perhaps injured that young officer's chances of promotion.

She appeared so very sure of herself that, against his will, the doctor obeyed. 'Pretend to draw the bolts? he kept muttering. Had the door been unbarred, then, all this while? She was opening it, at any rate, when he returned to the passage. But before lifting the latch she demanded, as if upon second thought, 'Who is there? And what is your business? 'Mr Rattenbury, answered a loud voice.