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She must have been in comedy, which I believe she also usefully and fearlessly practised, rather unimaginable; but there was no one like her in the Boston time for cursing queens and eagle-beaked mothers; the Shakespeare of the Booths and other such would have been unproducible without her; she had a rusty, rasping, heaving and tossing "authority" of which the bitterness is still in my ears.

Remember that knowing knowing what you know, or at least what you have heard you could come here and propose marriage to me! This she said with a cold, cutting sarcasm which sounded like the rasping of a roughly-sharpened knife through raw flesh. Harold groaned in spirit; he felt a weakness which began at his heart to steal through him. It took all his manhood to bear himself erect.

The gong thundered more frequently and more furiously. I grew to await it with a nameless dread. Then it seemed as though I were being dragged over rasping sands, white and hot in the sun. This gave place to a sense of intolerable anguish. My skin was scorching in the torment of fire. The gong clanged and knelled.

'Well, at least, before you make up your mind, Monsieur de Laval, said she, 'I should certainly take a look at this lady-in-waiting of mine, whom you refuse with such indignation. With a quick rasping of rings she drew back the curtain of the second window. A woman was standing in the recess.

Envy an inarticulate, impotent envy will possess their hearts: why cannot they be rich, and grown-up, and bowed to by every one? When the chariot is out of sight, envy will be superseded by the play-instinct. Silently, in their hearts, the children will play at being Lady Noble.... Mamma's voice will be heard on the stairs, rasping them back to the realities.

Then there was a sudden snatch, and he was raised upon his feet, steadied for a moment by a pair of hands, the rope tightened more and more, and he felt himself being drawn up, rising through the air, and slowly turning round, one elbow rasping gently against the rock from time to time. "Well, I'm learning some of their secrets," thought Hilary, "even if they are keeping me in the dark.

His voice came in a rasping croak from his ashen lips as he said: "Lady Hannah mentioned my wife to this man, thinking that she might prove to be the daughter of the owner of the ring. What could possibly lead her to infer such a relationship?"

Indeed, a rasping voice from beneath the canopies called to me before I knew that anybody was in the chamber but myself and the valet. "Come hither, O'Ruddy," called the Earl. "Tompkins, get out! Is it your duty to stand there mummified? Get out!" The servant hastily withdrew, and I walked slowly to the great man's bedside.

"What did the girl tell you!" cried her son. She clutched her breast, her lips moved, but no sound emerged. Rufus saw that she was too frightened to speak. "Don't be scared," he said roughly. "All you've got to do is to tell me the truth." He made a mighty effort to control his rasping voice. "Did you know Geraldine was goin' away?" Mrs. Carder shook her head speechlessly. "Sit up, Ma.

Barlow turned involuntarily to look into the girl's face; it was an inquisitive look, a wondering look; gentle sentiment coming from Elizabeth was rather a reversal of form. Also there was immediately a reversal of bird form, a shatterment of sentiment, a rasping maddening note from somewhere in the dome of a pipal tree.