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If so, how unfit to be given! how ungenerous to be insisted upon! And how unfitter still to be kept! Is there a man living who ought to be angry that a woman whom he hopes one day to call his, shall refuse to keep a rash promise, when, on the maturest deliberation, she is convinced that it was a rash one? * See Numb. XXX. Where it is declared, whose vows shall be binding, and whose not.

And men alone can understand how irritating my silence must have been to my husband. "You want time?" he repeated. "I ask you again what for?" My self-control, pushed to its extremest limits, failed me. The rash reply flew out of my lips, like a bird set free from a cage. "I want time," I said, "to accustom myself to my right name." He suddenly stepped up to me with a dark look.

Oh, truly happy was this night both to the youth and the maiden, for no rash wish or impure desire passed even fleetingly across their minds. They walked on side by side, happy that Providence had allowed them this delight, and so little desiring any other blessing that even the transitoriness of that they were now enjoying floated away into the background of their thoughts.

The Tories were mad with shame and mortification, at finding that their rash attempt to ruin an enemy had produced no effect except the ruin of a friend. In their rage, they eagerly caught at a new hope of revenge, a hope destined to end, as their former hope had ended, in discomfiture and disgrace.

Such terrors arose before him as must arise before a young man severed by his own rash act from the sources of his income. What a moment he had chosen for the deed, too!

The host turning to his companions, resumed the subject. "If those rash boys have really persuaded the silly dotard who commands the frigate, to trust himself within the shoals on the eve of such a gale as this, their case must have been hopeless indeed! Thus may rebellion and disaffection ever meet with the just indignation of Providence!

Hasty preparations, rash plans, and, above all, Mack's fatal ingenuity in reading his notions into facts these were the causes of a disaster which ruined the chances of the allies. The Archduke Charles, who had been foiled by Masséna's stubborn defence, was at once recalled from Italy in order to cover Vienna; and, worst of all, the Court of Berlin now delayed drawing the sword.

"You are not very wise, Messer Cornelio, and you counsel me to be prudent and to be rash in the same breath." "You make very pretty compliments, Sor Nino," I answered, tartly. He put out his hand deprecatingly. "You are as wise as any man can be who is not in love," he said, looking at me with his great eyes. "But love is the best counsellor." "What is your idea?" I asked, somewhat pacified.

Being informed of all these particulars, he provided himself against the next day with a physician's habit, and having let his beard grow during his travels, he passed the more easily for the character he assumed, went to the palace, impatient to behold his beloved, where he presented himself to the chief of the officers, and observed modestly, that perhaps it might be looked upon as a rash undertaking to attempt the cure of the princess, after so many had failed; but that he hoped some specifics, from which he had experienced success, might effect the desired relief.

Good citizens who had watched in anxiety, fearful that this rash champion of the new order would find a bullet between his shoulders before midnight, began to breathe easier and seek their beds in a strange state of security. Ascalon was shut up; the howling of its wastrels was stilled. It was incredible, but true.