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The villanous Tub which the Rascals who manned it called a Yatch was not Seaworthy, wouldn't answer her Helm, and floundered about in the Trough of the Sea for a day and a half; and even then we did not make Dover, but were obliged to beat up for Ramsgate.

"If it hadn't been for us, or rather for you, Bob, this farm would have been sold for next to nothing." "If it hadn't been for you, you mean," retorted Bob. "Who was it went and brought back Uncle Dick? I might have shouted myself hoarse, but those rascals would have beaten me somehow. Do you suppose this Mr. Vernet is going to buy the place?"

"I like his spirit," whispered Mr. Harcourt. "But," returned Lee, "I doubt if he has done himself any good with those fellows by calling it a trifle to kill an old hen. I should like him to have challenged two or three more moody old Whiggish rascals; but he has been too long away from home to know how the land lies."

"There isn't much doubt as to what they'll do with us," thought Hazelton, with a slight shudder. "These rascals will move too fast for pursuit to overtake them early. What they in intend to do with us can be done in a very few minutes." Neither young engineer really expected to live to see daylight.

The cowboy had drawn his pistol, and with this in hand he walked closer to the bridge. His eyes were on the planking, and presently he uttered an exclamation: "The rascals!" He pointed to two of the planks, and Dave saw that they were loose and so placed that the slightest jar would send them down into the stream. "Do you think those men I just saw did this?" questioned Dave. "Certainly they did!

They make me uncomfortable. I've a good mind to withdraw my subscription to those rascals who came first, and have nothing to do with any of them. Then, you see, down I go for a niggardly fellow. That's the reputation I get. Nothing of this in London! you make your money, pay your rates, and nobody bothers a man." "You should have done as our darling here did, papa," said Adela.

They talked together a good deal, and from what they said Jack made out that they were proposing to invite him to join them. "A very good joke," he thought to himself; "the rascals! I'll humour them in it, however; it will certainly afford me a better chance of escape."

Three or four of the rascals chuckled at this way of putting it, but Proprietor Ashby snarled like a wild animal. "As for you, Mr. Duff," Reade resumed, "I confess that I have never been able to understand you." "You will to-night," smiled Duff, with bland ferocity. "I can promise you, as a gambler, that I am going to give you a square deal." "Fine!" glowed Tom.

The mutineers were then informed that if they poked their heads above the hatches he would blow them overboard. Losing enthusiasm and weakened by hunger, they asked to be set ashore; so the skipper marooned the lot. For two days the cutter lay offshore while a truce was argued, the upshot being that four of the rascals gave in and the others were left behind.

We succeeded in bursting the door open. At the same moment the besieged fired at us. Three of us dropped wounded; the others ran away." "Yes, the miserable rascals always run away as soon as they smell gunpowder," said Thugut, indignantly. "And you, Mr. Wenzel?" "I was wounded and had fainted. My comrades carried me out of the house." "And the papers?" asked Thugut. "You did not take them?"