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There are few hunting dogs that can be taught to follow a human being as well as they do animals; but Ajax is an exception." "Now we're off!" exclaimed the restless Steve, exultantly. "Yes, and the rascal will have to hump himself if he hopes to escape us.

"If it be possible to follow the rascal," said Roland, giving way to wrath himself, "I must do so, and without a moment's delay. I would to heaven I had known this earlier." "Whar war the use," said Bruce; "whar was the use of disturbing a tired man in his nap, and he a guest of mine too?"

Not that it has been quite the same since you joined us reg'lar, and have taken to behaving yourself." "What do you mean, you impudent rascal?" Terence said, with a pretence at indignation. "No offence, yer honour, but faith the games that you and Mr. Ryan and some of the others used to play, kept the boys alive, and gave mighty contintment to the regiment." "I was only a lad then, Hoolan."

Ugh! you black rascal! what're you staring up here for?" he continued, looking down at the largest wolf, which was standing upright against the tree, and tearing the bark away furiously with his long teeth. The number of Joe's enemies continued to increase. There were now perhaps twenty under the tree.

All I wish is to have this affair brought to an eclaircissement, and to satisfy him that he is in an error; for, though his assertions are cruelly injurious, and I have never deserved them, yet I am convinced he would not say what he did not himself think. Some rascal, envious of his friendship for me, hath belyed me to him; and the only resentment I desire is, to convince him of his mistake."

Varney, on an elbow, sleepily surprised at this vehemence, said: "What's up?" "The jig!" cried Peter succinctly. "At least it looks that way. It's that rascal Smith." He sat down on the edge of Varney's bunk, the folded newspaper in his hand, and continued: "I ran out before I was dressed to look at this contemptible Gazette, because I wanted to see how they handled the meeting last night.

Oh, what a worthy man he is; but how imprudent he has been!" When the rascal went on to tell me confidentially that he "loved the ground his Agnes walked on," and that he thought she might come to be kind to him, knowing his usefulness to her father, I had a delirious idea of seizing the red-hot poker out of the fire and running him through with it.

Martial glanced over it, laughed heartily, and exclaimed: "A clever trick." "What do you say?" "I say that this Chanlouineau is a sly rascal. Who the devil would have thought the fellow so cunning to see his honest face? Another lesson to teach one not to trust to appearances." In all his life the Duc de Sairmeuse had never received so severe a shock.

Think if your Honour had destroyed that thief, the rascal would not now be robbing poorer folk, less able to sustain the loss! Suppose that bag of lentils had been all you had! There may be people in the world as poor as that. 'Why should I kill a man who offered me no violence? I asked defiantly. 'Why should you not do so, when the man is evidently wicked?

At these words I saw his features soften; and he cried out, 'D n me, I admire the king of Sweden of all the men in the world; and he is a rascal that is ashamed of doing anything which the king of Sweden did. And yet, if any king of Sweden in France was to tell me that his sister had more merit than mine, by G I'd knock his brains about his ears.