United States or Cameroon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She had youth, health, strength, intelligence, resourcefulness on her side; and she told herself again that there were thousands of women living and fighting around her who were far worse off than she. "What others have done, I can do also, and do better," she murmured aloud as she walked rapidly back to Dinard's.

Recently Canada is approaching a position of rivalry with the United States in this particular, a new transcontinental line, the Grand Trunk Pacific, having been completed in 1914, while the Canadian Northern is rapidly progressing.

"See, Lieutenant," said one pointing his gloved hand across the river. "Ay, there they are, Your Excellency, issuing from the woods and ascending the hill," replied the other. "They are on the hill, swarming up in hundreds," rejoined the Governor. Cramahé pressed the hand of Hardinge, and the two descended rapidly but silently into the city.

Hamilton came through the clearing, and formed his men rapidly. Sword in hand, in advance of the glittering bayonets, Bones raced across the red field, and after one brief and glorious melee the invader was driven back, and a dropping fire from the left, as the Houssas shot steadily at the flying enemy, completed the disaster to Bizaro's force. "That settles that!" said Hamilton.

Impelled by an uncontrollable desire to behold the features, and ascertain, if possible, the object of this strange wanderer, the young sailor cast his eye rapidly in search of the means of raising himself to a level with the window, when, much to his satisfaction, he remarked immediately beneath, a large water butt which was fully adequate to the purpose, and near this a rude wooden stool which would enable him to gain a footing on its edge, without exertion, or noise.

Quickly the man seized the control and the ship dropped rapidly behind a low range of intervening hills, for well Turan knew that they must not be seen until they could discover whether friend or foe inhabited the strange city.

I had suspected that our stock was diminishing rapidly for a day or two past, and had weighed it overnight that I might ascertain this point, and if it were so, take some means to prevent it for the future.

"'If you move from your chair, Captain, I will shoot you dead, and your end will never be known, he said rapidly. 'It is time we came to an understanding for the day wanes. "Wilbur uncrossed his legs, leaned forward, and looked at Lee Fu narrowly. 'What's the joke? he asked. "'A joke that will be clear as time goes on like one you played with bow ports on my friend.

The book was written very rapidly, at an average of ten pages a day, and it has Hawthorne's grace and purity of style, but it does not belong to the legitimate series of his works. The collection of tales which passes by the name of "The Snow Image" is a much more serious work.

A considerable amount of curiosity was excited as to what a small boat could be about in these little-frequented seas, and all the glasses on board were turned towards her. As she had now altered her course and was standing towards the ship, she was rapidly neared, and five people were counted on board her.