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He had been with Ransford a year when they arrived; admitted freely to their company, he had soon discovered that whatever relationship existed between them and Ransford, they had none with anybody else that they knew of. No letters came for them from uncles, aunts, cousins, grandfathers, grandmothers.

Dick looked down at his toes with a little frown, as if he were trying to puzzle something out; Mary continued to watch Ransford with steady eyes. "Your father John Brake," repeated Ransford, breathing more freely now that he had got the worst news out. "I must go back to the beginning to make things clear to you about him and your mother.

One theory is that there was an altercation, blows, a struggle, in the course of which Braden met his death; the other is that Ransford deliberately took Braden up into the gallery and flung him through that open doorway " "That," observed Mary, with something very like a sneer, "seems so likely that I should think it would never occur to anybody but the sort of people you're telling me of!

And Bryce wanted to know anything anything that would give information and let him into whatever secret there might be between this unlucky stranger and Ransford. But the breast pocket was empty; there was no pocket-book there; there were no papers there. Nor were there any papers elsewhere in the other pockets which he hastily searched: there was not even a card with a name on it.

He had no idea of leaving Wrychester he knew of another doctor in the city who was badly in need of help: he would go to him would tell him, if need be, why he had left Ransford.

The probability was that she would willingly sacrifice herself to save Ransford and Bryce cared little by what means he won her, fair or foul, so long as he was successful. So now, he said to himself, he must make a still more definite move against Ransford.

Of course, when all this sad trouble was made far worse by that second affair the working-man's death, you know, I said to my husband that really one must do something, seeing that Dr. Ransford was so very, very obdurate and wouldn't speak. And as money is nothing at least as things go to me or to Mr. Folliot, I insisted that he should offer a thousand pounds reward to have the thing cleared up.

Was he mistaken in believing that he saw him start; that he saw his cheek flush as he heard the advertisement read out? He believed he was not mistaken but if he was right, Ransford the next instant regained full control of himself and made no sign. And Bryce turned again to Coroner and witness.

But to Ransford his personality was objectionable why, he was not quite sure. Outwardly, Bryce was rather more than presentable a tall, good-looking man of twenty-eight or thirty, whom some people women especially would call handsome; he was the sort of young man who knows the value of good clothes and a smart appearance, and his professional manner was all that could be desired.

"Not until today," replied Ransford promptly. "Never had the ghost of a notion of it! If I only had known but, I hadn't! However, to go back this man Wraye, who appears always to have been a perfect master of plausibility, able to twist people round his little finger, somehow got into close touch with your father about financial matters.