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Huddled into a corner was Frau Schmidt, and over her, with a naked knife, stood a man, ragged and unkempt. A second man was ransacking the drawers of a dresser in the room beyond. The boys could see him through the open door. Just as they dashed in the door, the man with the knife snarled in a low voice: "Give me the key to the workshop, I tell you. We mean business!"

But he was not to be found, and it was not till some time after, that in ransacking the tavern, some one found him in the garret, hidden under a tow mattress stuffed with dried leaves, on which the hired man slept nights.

"You are good at ransacking," he observed; "pity that it can not be done to more purpose." I smiled and made a fresh start. With my hand thrust again into my pocket, I remarked, without even so much as a glance at him: "I fear that you do some injustice to the police. We are not such bad fellows; neither do we waste as much time as you seem to think."

Halliburn give up his money, but he declared that he had not a dollar in the house; yet he found time to tell me that you had taken the chest containing it to his brother's," replied Winfield Milton, which was his full name. "The robbers were ransacking the house in search of the money or other valuables; and Mr.

"Well, Jack, it isn't so much that nobody's seen them. Nobody's seen any trace of them. There are land-prawns all around, but nobody's found a cracked shell. And six active, playful, inquisitive Fuzzies ought to be getting into things. They ought to be raiding food markets, and fruit stands, getting into places and ransacking. But there hasn't been a thing.

I watched it for some seconds in great surprise. When I had arrived in the afternoon the house had been plainly deserted; now it was as plainly occupied. It was my first idea that a gang of thieves might have broken in and be now ransacking Northmour's cupboards, which were many and not ill supplied. But what should bring thieves to Graden Easter?

King, who always went, and Mother Fisher, who sometimes was of the party, the ransacking of the lovely shops took place. And it really seemed as if everything that the Henderson boys could possibly want, was in some of those places no matter how out-of-the-way and waiting to be bought to fly over the sea to Badgertown. At last off that box went.

The men had finished ransacking the room; every scrap of paper, every portable article had been eagerly seized upon. Merlin, half blind with fury, had jumped to his feet. "Search him!" he ordered peremptorily. Deroulede set his teeth, and made no protest, calling up every fibre of moral strength within him, to aid him in submitting to this indignity.

"I 've been hunting far and wide for you ransacking the house, turning the park topsy-turvy," said Adrian. "Eh? What?" questioned Anthony, writing on. But Adrian lost patience. "Eh? What? I 'll eh-what you," he threatened, shaking his fist. "Come. Put aside that tiresome letter. 'Do you happen to know where your master is? says I to Wickersmith.

He then unlocked a cabinet, opened a secret drawer, and, lifter ransacking its contents, discovered a paper he was in search of, and a glove. Laying these carefully aside, he restored the drawer to its place. His next occupation was to take out his pistols, examine the priming, and rub the flints. His sword then came in for his scrutiny: he felt at, and appeared satisfied with its edge.