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Still, I think it would be just as well for you to let me put your money in my safe. Then you surely can't lose it." "That's what father told us to do," said Larry as he and Tom removed their buckskin money bags and gave them to the ranchman. "We forgot it, though." "Speaking about forgetting, what about the German boy?" asked Mrs. Wilder, who had come to learn the cause of the preparations.

Honoria's hospitality, Blount fell to contrasting the strong, large-featured face of the Mission Hills ranchman with that of Reynolds, the opposition candidate. Though he was himself on the corporation campaigning staff, Blount could not help admitting that the comparison was not favorable to Reynolds.

Here he handed the flask over to the old man, who took it with the remark that it "looked for all the world like the one carried by the old ranchman," and after a hearty pull at it, passed it back again, and resumed his story.

Two into one won't go without leaving a lot over. Good-night, Joe." "So long. Them fellers as gits figgerin' mostly gits crazed fer doin' what's impossible. Guess I ain't stuck on figgers nohow." And the man vanished into the night, while Tresler passed into the bunkhouse to get what little sleep his first night as a ranchman might afford him.

Then for a moment that seemed hours to the anxious boy, the ranchman pondered, finally exclaiming: "Well, we'll fool Higgins this time. I'll take you on for a try. You're sure game or you wouldn't have stood before that fool dog, the way you did. Come in and we'll talk about wages." And, as Bob entered the cabin, Ford turned to look at the dog, muttering to himself: "Strange, mighty strange.

"It was ten to one she was never found. 'Pears like a miracle to me, that old Pedro was led to find that very cave just when he did. My wife claims it was a miracle, same as used to be in Bible days, and you can't talk her out of it. You know how women are," said one ranchman, who had aided in the search for Jessica.

"My boys won't talk about it," declared the ranchman. "I'll see to that. If the prisoners do, you all can say the story is absurd, probably another of their plots to steal another ranch." This decided, the grizzled plainsman summoned his cowboys, explained the situation briefly, and offered them a year's wages for their silence, which they promised when Bob added his entreaties.

The captain unrolled from his blanket, took one look by the light of the moon, and bade the corporal find Baptiste, who needed not to see the saddle; he knew the horse at a glance. "Pete Gamble's," said he. "They've begun killing!" And Pete Gamble was a ranchman well known to them all, both Indian and white. "If they would kill him," said he, "they would kill anybody."

Curly gulped it down; and into his eyes came a brief, grateful glow as human as the expression in the eye of a faithful setter dog. "Thanky, boss," he said, quietly. "You're thirty miles from a railroad, and forty miles from a saloon," said Ranse. Curly fell back weakly against the steps. "Since you are here," continued the ranchman, "come along with me. We can't turn you out on the prairie.

Again the rifles cracked, and this time one of the deer gave a bound in the air and dropped flat. "Hooray! We've got another!" cried the lads, "Don't fire any more. The others are out of range," declared the ranchman. "Please, just one more," begged Horace. But his father refused, telling him that a good hunter never shot when there was no hope of bringing down his game.