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"These Ramseys can buy flowers in midwinter," she thought, "while their own flesh and blood go almost naked." She entered the room in which the flowers were, a great bunch of pink carnations in a tall, green vase. The room was charming. It was not only luxurious, but gave evidences of superior qualities in its owners. It was empty when Maria entered, but soon Mrs. Ramsey and her son came in.

That child's father drinks like a fish, and he's been in prison, and her mother's no better than she should be, and she's got a sister that everybody talks about has ever since she was so high." "This seems like a good little girl," said Maria. "Wait and see," said Aunt Maria. But for all that Maria felt herself drawn towards this poor little offspring of the degenerate branch of the Ramseys.

I would just as soon go at night as in the daytime when the moon is bright." "That is an awful man who lives at the Ramseys'!" "Nonsense! I guess if he tried to bother us, Mrs. Ramsey would take care of him," said Maria. "Come along, Lily. I would ask Uncle Henry, but it is the night when he takes his bath, and he comes home tired." "Well, I'll go if mother will let me," said Lily.

But first the Clara Adams set tried to get Jennie to go with them, but she just wouldn't, and so she's on our side. I know Clara is furious because the Ramseys are richer than the Adamses." "Oh dear, oh dear," Mrs.

She felt herself a strong partisan of her Aunt Eunice, for she adored her uncle, but she merely said that she thought Uncle Henry did look a little thin, and she supposed he was tired Sunday, and it was the only day he had to rest; then she abruptly changed the whole subject by wondering if the Ramseys across the river would let Jessy go to church if she trimmed a hat for her with some red velvet and a feather which she had in her possession.

The guests had taken their departure earlier and had been as complimentary as anyone could desire. Miss Eloise, tired but very happy, had gone off with the Ramseys in their motor-car. Edna, Dorothy and Margaret walked down to the gate to watch the sunset, all yellow and glowing. "Miss Newman looked almost pretty," said Dorothy.

Then Lily called to her mother, who came to the sitting-room door in response. "Mother," said Lily, "Maria wants me to go over to the Ramseys', those on the other side of the river, after supper, and carry these things to Jessy." "Aren't you afraid?" asked Lily's mother, as Lily herself had done. She was a faded but still pretty woman who had looked like her daughter in her youth.

When it was in flood, so to speak, nothing could stop it. "No, thank you, I can't sit down," she said. "I came on an errand. You are related, I believe, to the other Ramseys. The children go to my school. There are Mamie and Franky and Jessy." "We are very distantly related, and, on the whole, proud of the distance rather than the relationship," said George Ramsey, with a laugh.

"She don't take after the Ramseys none there wasn't anything mushy about them that I ever heard of." "Mushy! MUSHY!" Evadna sat up and stared at nothing at all while she repeated the word under her breath. "She wants me to be gentle she preached gentleness in her letters, and told how her boys need it, and then she calls it being MUSHY!"

"Yes'm," said Jessy, and she skipped away quite happy. She thought teacher had rebuffed her because her face was not washed, and that did not trouble her in the least. Lack of cleanliness or lack of morals, when brought home to them, could hardly sting any scion of that branch of the Ramseys.